Alternative Growth Paradigms |
10 2025, Prabhat Patnaik |
can claim that the rate of growth of agricultural
production, especially of foodgrain production, has
been higher in the neoliberal period than during the
years of dirigiste development that preceded it; it
may have been somewhat lower but let us agree that
it is certainly no higher.
Recent Past and Present of Agriculture |
4th 2025. C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
in India has been resilient despite facing many challenges,
but these have not led to better public distribution
for those in need. Ignoring demands of the farmers’
movement can have serious consequences for future
cultivation and food security.
do Domestic Food Prices keep going up when Global Prices
Fall? |
24th 2024. C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
After rising rapidly from early 2020, global food
prices have been falling from July 2022. But domestic
food prices have continued to rise, especially in
low income countries. We explore these trends and
the possible reasons.
did Agricultural output Change under the Modi Government? |
25th 2024. C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
The problems in agriculture have been reflected in
slow growth of agricultural output in the years since
2011-12. Within this, the performance of particular
crops and particular states may provide some insights
into why cultivators have been upset with the Modi
Falsehoods |
18th 2023, Prabhat Patnaik |
propagates a set of outright falsehoods to present
itself in a favourable light compared to the preceding
dirigiste regime in India. The basic theme is to suggest
that under neo-liberalism there has been such an acceleration
of the growth rate of Gross Domestic Product that
the people as a whole have become much better off.
to address Global Hunger |
13th 2023, Jayati Ghosh |
financial activity in global commodities markets,
while important, is not enough to stave off rising
food insecurity. Policymakers must also take measures
to help developing countries build up reserves of
essential items and cope with price fluctuations,
possibly through a publicly administered virtual reserve
Forests for Profits |
2nd 2023, Prabhat Patnaik |
Modi government, ever solicitous of corporate interests,
has launched a plan whereby real estate developers
and other corporates will be allowed to destroy large
swathes of India’s forest cover for starting projects
that rake in profits.
the Current Food Price Inflation in India |
25th 2023, Prabhat Patnaik |
current upsurge in prices in India is led by food
prices. In July 2023 while retail inflation was 7.44
per cent (over July of the previous year), food price
inflation, which covers all food items including foodgrains,
vegetables, milk products and such like, was 11.5
per cent.
Anatomy of Inflation |
5th2023. C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
A bad monsoon and possible decline in agricultural
production threaten to accelerate ongoing inflation
in India, particularly because of increased speculation
in the market for food.
Food Prices in "the Rest of the World" |
22nd 2023. C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
When food prices in global trade rise, they go up
across the world. But the opposite movement of falling
trade prices does not necessarily lead to falls in
low and middle income countries. We show how this
plays out with wheat prices.
FCI's Bizarre Logic |
3rd 2023, Prabhat Patnaik |
Karnataka government's plan to launch its "Anna
Bhagya" scheme on July 1 under which it was planning
to provide 10 kg of free rice per month to each family
below the poverty-line has run into problems because
of the Food Corporation of India's unwillingness to
sell any rice to that state.
explains High Global Wheat Prices? |
27th 2023. C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
In the past few years, global wheat prices have moved
far away from "fundamentals" of demand and
supply. This can be explained by other factors like
market concentration and financial activity in commodities
markets, which take advantage of temporary or perceived
supply shocks.
Fertilizer Conundrum |
16th 2023, Jayati Ghosh |
the global food system more sustainable and equitable
represents a huge and complex undertaking that necessarily
involves difficult trade-offs. The tension between
responding to short-term increases in fertilizer prices
and implementing long-term strategies for combating
climate change is a case in point.
Rubber Farmers' Woes |
10th 2023, Prabhat Patnaik |
prices, which had recovered a little after the fall
during the pandemic, have collapsed again, with the
farmers in Kerala, which grows 80 per cent of the
country's rubber crop, being badly hit.
and the Agrarian Crisis |
2nd 2023, Prabhat Patnaik |
The hegemony of imperialism is invariably associated
with an agrarian crisis in countries of the global
south; in fact agrarian crisis is just the other side
of the ascendancy of imperialism. This is evident
from the case of Indian agriculture.
Prices and Hunger in Low and Middle Income Countries |
20th 2022. C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
The major food crisis now emerging in much of the
world is not about supply shortages. It reflects ologopolistic
and speculative behaviour in global food markets,
along with falling purchasing power and currency depreciation
in low and middle income countries.
are Global Wheat Prices Rising so much? |
14th 2022. C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
The FAO's recent wheat production and utilization
forecasts indicate that the focus on the war in Ukraine
as the sole driver of explosive global price trends
is misplaced and ill-advised.
and Decolonisation |
9th 2022, Prabhat Patnaik |
Russia and Ukraine together account for 30 per cent
of the world’s wheat exports. Many African countries,
in particular, are heavily dependent on them for their
food supplies, which are now getting disrupted because
of the war; and this disruption would continue since
the war is also affecting the acreage being sown under
foodgrains there.
about Agriculture |
8th 2021, Prabhat Patnaik |
The kisan agitation against corporate encroachment
is not a bilateral issue. In the process of fighting
against corporate encroachment the kisans are fighting
objectively for society as a whole, against subjecting
India to food imperialism.
Important is MSP-based Procurement |
21st 2021. C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
Despite its many shortcomings, the minimum support
price-based procurement regime is gaining in terms
of farmer, crop and geographical coverage. The benefits
from the regime that underlie this tendency explain
why fear that it may be dismantled triggers protest.
is Running out for a New Agricultural Model for the Global
South |
21st 2021, Jayati Ghosh |
Climate change poses immediate threat to humanity.
Unsustainable cultivation patterns along with climate
change have affected food security and caused widespread
hunger. These issues are too urgent to be allowed
to go unresolved.
Inadequate Food Safety Net |
1st 2021. C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
The major plank of the Centre's safety net during
periods of lockdown necessitated by the Covid pandemic
has been the provision of free foodgrain to targeted
beneficiaries. But both in terms of need and state
capacity, that effort has been limited.
Hunger Pandemic |
18th 2021. C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
A survey conducted in October 2020 shows widespread
hunger across 11 states. Immediate relief measures
are urgently required, since matters would have got
much worse since then.
Spike in Global Food Prices |
10th 2021. C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
Supply side disruptions combine with stockpiling and
speculation to drive up global food prices. With low
income earners still to recover from the Covid-induced
crisis, the trend is a cause for concern.
again |
23rd 2021. C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
Even before Covid-19, global hunger was increasing
and the world was no longer on track to meet the SDG
of eliminating hunger by 2030. Matters have got much
worse since then.
Dangerous Red Herring |
25th 2021, Prabhat Patnaik |
In its systematic attempt to vilify the farmers' movement,
the government claims that farmers from only a few
states are opposing the agriculture bills. Not only
is this claim false, but the idea that this proposition
makes the movement illegitimate, is extremely dangerous
as well.
Matter of Survival of the Peasantry |
4th 2021, Prabhat Patnaik |
The three agricultural laws brought in by the Modi
government remove the life-line of the peasantry and
carry forward the neo-liberal agenda to its limit.
Thus, there can be no meeting ground between the protesting
kisans and the government, within the ambit of these
laws; they simply have to be repealed.
Global Angle to the Farmer Protests |
31st 2020, Utsa Patnaik |
It is not just domestic firms that are potential beneficiaries
of the new farm laws; foreign agribusinesses are a
danger too.
about the Food Economy |
28th 2020, Prabhat Patnaik |
The Indian intelligentsia suggests that the Indian
kisans should move away from producing foodgrains
towards other crops and import foodgrains from metropolitan
countries, but it would take India back to the pre-Green
Revolution days.
and the Free Market |
14th 2020, Prabhat Patnaik |
The three Agricultural Bills of the Modi government,
against which the current country-wide kisan movement
is going on, expose agriculture to the free market.
It is a sub-optimal solution since the prices as well
as the quantities of production that would rule for
agricultural goods in a free market are likely to
be socially disastrous.
Bills and Food Security |
14th 2020, Prabhat Patnaik |
The Modi government suggests that intervention in
the form of MSP will continue, but it was not incorporated
in the Agricultural bills rushed through the parliament
by this government. Moreover, if the mandis lose primacy,
as the legislation visualizes, then the MSP-regime
becomes infructuous.
the Regulatory and Legal Infrastructure for Food Sovereign,
Food Self Reliant India (Atma Nirbhar Bharat) |
7th 2020, Vandana Shiva |
The agricultural reforms announced by the Finance
Minister as a part of the Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan
has paved the way for the global e-commerce and food
processing corporations to lock farmers into new corporate
Decline before the Pandemic |
3rd 2020, Prabhat Patnaik |
Despite having a high rate of growth since the adoption
of neo-liberal policies since 1991, growth rate of
per-capita demand for foodgrains is still low since
the real income in the hands of the working class
has not really increased in per-capita terms.
Prime Minister's Claims about the COVID-19 Relief Package |
2nd 2020. Vikas Rawal and Jesim Pais |
Prime Minister, in his speech, had made several claims
about his relief programmes in the past three months.
But various recent estimates and field-based reports
clearly suggest the huge gap that exists between these
claims and the reality of implementation.
and India's Food Economy |
15th 2020, Prabhat Patnaik |
Denial of food is a very potent weapon in the imperialist
armoury and every step in the direction of opening
agriculture to global trade is ipso facto a step towards
reducing domestic food availability.
Lockdown: Impact on agriculture and rural economy |
2nd 2020, Vikas Rawal, Manish Kumar, Ankur Verma and Jesim
Pais |
of planning and preparation by the Central government
for tackling the COVID-19 pandemic has dealt a massive
blow to India’s rural economy, causing enormous hardships
to working people and further aggravating food insecurity
in the country.
Lockdown: The crisis of rural employment |
21st 2020. Vikas Rawal and Manish Kumar |
There is a huge demand for employment generation because
of widespread loss of rural livelihoods under lockdown.
Yet, for about two months, most MGNREGS workers have
not been provided any employment due to poor fiscal
situation of the State governments.
Lockdown: Impact on agriculture |
21st 2020. Vikas Rawal and Manish Kumar |
Disruptions caused by the lockdown have resulted in
considerable additional economic burden on farmers
because of higher costs, increased debt burden, inability
to sell the produce at reasonable prices and crop
losses. Yet the government’s response to such agricultural
distress has been nothing short of a mockery till
Supply Chains during the COVID-19 Lockdown: A study of
market arrivals of seven key food commodities in India |
22nd 2020, Vikas Rawal and Ankur Verma |
article presents quantitative evidence from 1331 mandis
to show that, over the first three weeks of the COVID-19
lockdown, a large number of agricultural markets were
not operational, and in those markets that were operational,
arrivals of key agricultural commodities fell very
sharply. A disruption of 21 days in being able to
sell their crops would have resulted in massive losses
to farmers, in particular, to producers of perishable
Tenancy or Grabbing Land of the Poor? |
4th 2019, Vikas Rawal and Vaishali Bansal |
The 2016 Report of the Haque Committee has proposed
liberalization of tenancy market on grounds of efficient
land utilization in favour of small landowners. But
leasing is seldom done by small to big farmers and
owning even a small piece of land provides economic
security to the rural poor. Such provisions will only
facilitate grabbing of land of the poor by resource-rich
landlords and capitalist farmers.
Dangerous Agreement to Sign |
4th 2019, Prabhat Patnaik |
the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership would
increase destitution and unemployment and also widen
the current account deficit, worsening the coming
Economic Paradox |
13th 2019, Prabhat
Patnaik |
Patnaik explains the paradoxical emergence of excess
supply of foodgrains in the neoliberal era despite
lower foodgrain growth and higher GDP growth. This
reflects squeezed real incomes of the agriculture-dependent
population, because of falling agricultural output
growth rates and declinesin real purchasing power
per unit of output.
Apparent Enigma of Growth |
22nd 2019, Prabhat
Patnaik |
first sight it appears to be an enigma. India has
been recording according to official statistics one
of the highest GDP growth rates among all the countries
of the world, so much so that epithets like "emerging
economic superpower" and "a global powerhouse
of growth", have been freely used to describe
India's achievement.
2019-20: Will it help India's farmers? |
4th 2019, Jayati Ghosh |
interim budget 2019-20 is unlikely to bring relief to
farmers and secure their approval for the coming elections.
The approach to farmers in this Budget reaffirms the
Modi government's tendency to rely on optics and jumlas
rather than actual spending and concrete policies. |
furore over farm debt |
4th 2019, C.P.
Chandrasekhar |
crisis is a direct result of the neo-liberal fiscal
regime, which advocates tax incentives for finance,
the corporate sector, and the rich in general, and
tight control over government borrowing; all this
has resulted in long-term neglect of agriculture.
Now the measures to provide relief to farmers are
being opposed by neo-liberal advocates on the grounds
that it will violate fiscal prudence and yet not resolve
the problem created by neo liberal fiscal regime in
the first place.
Farmers’ Rage |
3rd 2018, Jayati Ghosh |
recent eruption of farmers’ agitations across India
is another case in the current phase of rural discontent.
While the anger of the cultivators is being expressed
in local, regional and national agitations, the much-hyped
official attempts to placate farmers have turned out
to be only more jumlas. |
Time is Ripe for Unity |
3rd 2018, Prabhat Patnaik |
1.5 lakh farm and industrial workers walked together
in Delhi on September 5, not because no one thought
of it sooner, but because the conditions have now been
created to prompt it. |
Insurance: Another dressed up scheme |
2nd 2018, C.P. Chandrasekhar |
Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) launched in 2016 which
is supplemented with Restructured Weather Based Crop
Insurance Scheme (RWBCIS), have failed to deliver what
it had promised. The number of farmers insured under
this scheme has fallen and the claims paid to farmers
has fallen from 98% to 61%. The scheme seems to be benefitting
the insurance companies as there has been rise in gross
premiums paid to these companies by government. |
Promises |
18th 2018, C.P. Chandrasekhar |
with measures like loan write-offs offered by some BJP
States and an ostensibly much-improved crop insurance
scheme (PMFBY), this hike in MSPs is seen to have confirmed
the pro-farmer tilt of the Narendra Modi government.
The timing of the Modi government's MSP hike for kharif
crops leads to the question of whether it is backed
by the financial allocations needed to deliver on them. |
There Been an MSP Hike for Kharif Crops? |
16th 2018, Prabhat Patnaik |
government’s MSP hike is just a cynical ploy, there
has been no hike in real terms for major crops compared
to the base year and the government not cognizing C2
in its MSP fixing while taking (A2+FL) is fundamentally
erroneous and has no rationale as it leaves out the
poorest landless farmers. |
Modi Government's "Achievement" |
4th 2018, Prabhat Patnaik |
as the Modi government tries hard to camouflage India's
statistical data, the conclusion that at the end of
its four years the bulk of the people in the country,
belonging to the agricultural sector and its allied
activities, have witnessed an absolute decline in their
per capita living standard compared to what it was when
they took over, is quite indisputable. |
Tenancy in Contemporary India |
9th 2018, Vaishali Bansal, Yoshifumi Usami and Vikas Rawal |
following report on "Agricultural Tenancy in Contemporary
India" involved a detailed assessment of the 48th
(1991-92), 59th (2002-03) and 70th (2012-13) rounds
of the NSSO Surveys of Land and Livestock Holdings (NSSOSLLH)
and includes detailed household-by-household corrections
to remove a number of inconsistencies in the data. The
main findings of the analysis point to significant marginalisation
of landless poor households. |
Prospect of Food Shortage |
9th 2018, Prabhat Patnaik |
to the fears of orthodox economics, persistent and even
growing hunger in the world today arises not due to
“excessive population” but due to the social arrangement;
not because there is too little output relative to population
but because there is too little demand relative to output. |
Real Confusion over MSP |
4th 2018, C.P. Chandrasekhar |
government ought to have specified its definition of
cost of crop production in the Budget to prevent any
confusion in the minds of people on minimum support
prices. |
Distress in India |
1st 2018, Jayati Ghosh |
improve agricultural productivity and farmer income,
the Swaminathan Commission, set up during the UPA regime,
proposed comprehensive and detailed reforms. But the
BJP has not only omitted these reforms but also worsened
famer conditions through policies that have destroyed
rural markets and increased cultivation costs. |
Budget and the Farmers: The government's dilemma in 2018 |
1st 2018, Jayati Ghosh |
2018 is expected to be famer-oriented, with persistent
agricultural distress and near-stagnant farmer income
contrary to the promises made by the government. But,
even as the election come near, the scale of increased
spending that is required for all of this is unlikely
to be met, given the self-imposed constraints of "fiscal
responsibility". |
our Wetlands |
10th 2018, Jayati Ghosh |
specific rules for wetlands framed in 2010 have remained
only on paper and do not seem to be able to stop proscribed
activities in such areas, with even a five-star hotel
being constructed on one in Udaipur. |
Crisis in Agriculture |
24th 2017, C.P.
Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
dilution of government intervention in the form of minimum
support prices, procurement and public distribution
is undermining the medium-term viability of agricultural
production in India. |
Conditions and Recent Peasant Struggles in Sikar |
25th 2017, Vikas Rawal |
of Sikar have fought many valiant struggles against
oppression and against anti-people state policies. This
year's struggle in Sikar has once again shown that it
is only through such mobilisations of working people
that anti-people actions of the current government can
be checked. |
Struggles in Shekhawati in the Early Twentieth Century |
13th 2017, Vikas Rawal |
The article
is highly relevant to the ongoing peasant struggle in
Rajasthan (Sikar) today. It examines the historical
evidence that shows that the emergence of economically
and politically dominant landlords from among Jat, and
to a smaller extent Brahmin, castes in Shekhawati is
a relatively recent phenomenon. Peasant struggles in
Shekhawati in the first half of the twentieth century
brought an end to the shackles of the Jagirdari system,
which fundamentally changed the structure of control
over land with tenants-at-will getting ownership rights
over land. |
the Economic Implications of Restrictions on Cow Slaughter |
11th 2017, Vikas
Rawal |
livestock economy is among the biggest in the world.
A ban on cow slaughter would either result in more and
more unproductive animals being killed in most unscientific
and cruel ways or would entail such a high cost for
maintaining unproductive animals that cattle rearing
would cease to be a profitable enterprise for farm households.
Restrictions being imposed on cow slaughter and the
actions of the cow vigilantes would deal a serious blow
to the agrarian economy and in particular to the livelihoods
of the poor and middle peasants in rural India. |
Roots of the Agrarian Distress in India |
29th 2017, C.P. Chandrasekhar |
The policy
shifts of the reform era have not been in favor of agriculture.
Trade liberalisation, deregulation and a greater role
for market forces have not benefited the farmer, who
is trapped in a persisting crisis. It is time for today's
policy makers to recognise their own disconnect, and
learn from the evidence at hand. |
Question of Farm-Loan Waiver |
23rd 2016, Prabhat
Patnaik |
primary reason why loan-waiver is being demanded at
present is not an output fall owing to any natural calamity.
It is the price-fall on account of the bumper harvest
that underlies this demand. It is the breaking down
of an appropriate institutional mechanism that is responsible
for the peasants' distress and periodic demands for
Economy under Modi |
20th 2017, Prabhat Patnaik |
per official data, half of the country's population
witnessed no improvement in real per capita income over
the three Modi years. Other indicators like the demand
from net exports, Central Government expenditure (as
a proportion of nominal GDP) and number of new jobs
created in the organized sector, all reflect a gloomy
picture of the Indian economy. The government has been
keen on keeping finance capital happy while compromising
on these matters. |
Prices and Farmers' Unrest |
20th 2017, C.P.
Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
farmers are demanding loan waivers, but that should
not deflect attention from what needs to be done and
undone to address the roots of the agrarian crisis. |
Simple Arithmetic |
25th 2017, Prabhat
Patnaik |
advance GDP estimates for 2016-17, however calculated,
show a grim picture of the economy. The real per capita
income of the agriculture-dependent population, which
constitutes half the country's populace, has remained
stagnant or even marginally declined during the three
years of the Modi government. While the pursuit of neoliberal
policies can be held responsible for this, treating
the aggregate growth as a "great achievement"
for political mileage is unwarranted. |
Consolidating against the farmer |
4th 2016, C.P. Chandrasekhar |
seed major Monsanto's aggression shows that the mega
merger movement in the global agribusiness area is less
about cutting costs and more about protecting profits. |
Pulses Conundrum |
29th 2016, C.P.
Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
inflation in the prices of pulses gives way to a price
decline, a misplaced argument that the government should
not regulate the private trade to curb speculation and
stabilise prices is being expressed. |
Years of Economic Reforms: Agriculture |
27th 2016, Jayati
Ghosh |
inability to resolve the pressing concerns with respect
to food production, distribution and availability is
one of the important failures of the entire economic
reform process. |
Commodity Prices Fall |
26th 2016, C.P.
Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
decline in primary commodity prices over the past four
years particularly last year, shows that financialisation
of commodities has amplified and exaggerated instabilities
and fluctuations. |
Imports and Inequality: Explaining the persistently high
trade deficit in India |
31 st 2015, Zico
Dasgupta and Subhanil Chowdhury |
paper provides an explanation of the asymmetric relationship
between the GDP growth rate and the trade deficit and
looks at the mechanism through which the trade deficit
in India has increased. |
Dismal State of Rural India |
10th 2015, Prabhat
Patnaik |
recently released socio economic and caste census paints
a dismal picture of rural India where more than half
of the total rural households survive on manual casual
labour. |
Beleaguered Indian Farmer |
24th 2015, C.P.
Chandrasekhar |
forecast of a poor monsoon is a real bad news for the
Indian farmers as it would not only reduce crop production
leading to shortages but also encourage speculative
holding. |
Food was Moved to the Margins of the New Household Budget |
29th 2015, Rahul
Goswami |
enquiry into the private consumption expenditure indicates
that a huge majority of India's population are experiencing
food insecurity in one or several forms. |
in Crisis |
1st 2015, Jayati
Ghosh |
is on the brink of a major agricultural crisis resulting
from natural causes and poor policy of the present government
in the field of agriculture and social sector.
Workers: Women in Indian agriculture |
1st 2015, Jayati
Ghosh |
women play a pivotal role in Indian agriculture, it
is amazing to see how their work goes unnoticed in the
public domain. |
Not to Treat Agriculture |
19th 2015, Jayati
Ghosh |
Union Budget 2015 indicates that the government is going
beyond what could be called benign neglect of agriculture
to policy moves that are likely to harm its viability.
Rural Indebtedness |
5th 2015, C.P.
Chandrasekhar |
distribution of rural credit disbursement is skewed
and biased towards the rich and warrants better access
to all sections for improved capital formation in agriculture. |
RBI Governor's Unwarranted Remarks |
2nd 2015,, Prabhat
Patnaik |
Rajan's criticism of the debt-waiver scheme for farmers
underscores the fact that 'social banking" gets
progressively eliminated in the era of neo-liberalism.
Concludes Bilateral Agreement with US, Agrees to an Indefinite
‘Peace Clause' |
17th 2014, Biswajit
Dhar |
making a bilateral agreement with the US, India is able
to avert any challenge to its food security programme
for now, but the programme will be under WTO surveillance.
Cotton Conundrum |
24th 2014, C.P.
Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
decision to liquidate its large raw cotton stocks accumulated
as part of a policy of supporting domestic production
is hurting the world's cotton exporters.
Faces Criticism for Blocking Global Trade Deal, But is
it Justified? |
9th 2014, Jayati
Ghosh |
to wider perception, the bigger risk to the multilateral
trading system comes from the developed world failing
to listen to the concerns of developing countries.
2014-15: The continuing neglect of the 'rural' |
4th 2014, Arindam
Banerjee |
Budget fails to address the real issues and problems
of a crisis-ridden agriculture sector, while expanding
expenditure to support farmers and workers is the only
way out.
Last Straw |
23rd 2014, C.P.
Chandrasekhar |
possibility of a fall in India's agricultural production
due to the El Niño effect gives rise to a possibility
of worsening stagflation.
Offensive against Transfers to the Poor |
22nd 2014, Prabhat
Patnaik |
demand by corporate magnates to roll back the relief
measures for the poor is nothing but an expression of
the class animosity of corporate capital towards the
working poor.
Food Price Rise Acceleration in Rural India |
31st 2013, Rahul
Goswami |
crop cultivators and rural labour, the CPI – a measure
of the rise in the food prices – is showing an accelerated
upward trend, particularly October 2011 onwards. |
and Capital Formation in Agriculture: A growing disconnect |
21st 2013, Pallavi
Chavan |
formation in agriculture in recent past suffered due
to overemphasis on short-term and indirect credit, but
this may prove to be costly for future sectoral growth.
Farming: Recipe for crisis |
11th 2013, Jayati
Ghosh |
Indian Government believes allowing private corporate
intervention will help resolve all problems in agriculture
despite contradictory evidences from past experiences.
into Business |
10th 2013, C.P.
Chandrasekhar |
the numerous problems associated with it, the Indian
government has been encouraging and facilitating contract
farming practice as part of its liberalisation drive.
Changing Pattern of Food Inflation in India |
25th 2013, C.P.
Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
authors investigate the structure of food inflation
during the years of the UPA government and consider
what it suggests about the management of the food economy
in India.
Watered-down Food Bill Won't Really Benefit its Hungry
Millions |
25th 2013, Jayati
Ghosh |
ruling Congress party has failed to deliver on an election
pledge to bring in a law that would help deliver food
Census 2011 Reveals about Our Growers and their Land
5th 2013, Rahul
Goswami |
change in the number of cultivators and agricultural
labourers provided by Census 2011 should help us recognise
the growing impacts on food security caused by urbanisation.
Farmers or Fewer? |
13th 2013, Rahul
Goswami |
consequences of western Maharashtra's urbanisation on
the food security of the 14 districts that have sent
rural workers to that region are yet to be recognised.
Price Transmission in India: The case of wheat |
30th 2013, C.P.
Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
general tendency among Indian policy makers is to blame
international price movements for the rise in prices
of essential food items in India, which is actually
not true.
Political Economy of Indian Food Exports |
2nd 2013, C.P.
Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
article discusses the political economy configurations
that permit rising grain exports from India, even as
domestic food prices spiral out of the reach of ordinary
False Premises, Faulty Reportage and Declining Hunger:
Unraveling the enigma |
30th 2013, M Kumaran and Biraj Swain |
official assessment about India making progress in addressing
hunger, nutrition and poverty over last two decades,
do not match the ground realities. |
Cost of Food Security |
22nd 2013, C.P.
Chandrasekhar |
argument of inadequate food supplies and burden on the
government's budget that is advanced against universal
food security programme is shocking and without much
District to Town: The movement of food and food providers
alike |
8th 2013, Rahul
Goswami |
obsession with urbanisation is changing the nature of
crop production and food consumption in India as seen
in the shifts in district rural-urban population balances.
Triumph in Rice |
26th 2012, C.P.
Chandrasekhar |
argument that the Indian government's decision to lift
the four-year ban on non-basmati rice exports was a
wise move is both inappropriate and premature.
of Neglect |
14th 2012, C.P.
Chandrasekhar |
monsoon-dependence contributed to the long-term worsening
trend of Indian agriculture, that dependence and the
decline in productivity is the result of long-term neglect.
World |
17th 2012, Jayati
Ghosh |
globalised fast-food culture encourages a wasteful and
unhealthy pattern of food consumption that is detrimental
to the health of people in developing and developed
in Retail: Benefiting neo-liberalism, harming people |
26th 2012, Subhanil
Chowdhury |
decision of the UPA government to open up the retail
sector in the country to FDI is an example of the basic
fallacy in the 'growth fetishism' of the votaries of
neo-liberalism. While the government argues that this
move will generate investor confidence in the Indian
economy and lead the country to high growth, in reality
the problems of the common people - deprivation, poverty
and hunger - far from being ameliorated, will actually
be intensified.
Supermarket Move Shows its Tired Government has Run Out
of Ideas |
21st 2012, Jayati
Ghosh |
up India's retail sector to western supermarkets will
lead to exploitation of small producers and adverse
employment effects. Despite vehement opposition the
government insists on pushing through this reform, a
move that speaks of a tired regime which has run out
of ideas.
Coming Food Crisis |
12th 2012, C.P.
Chandrasekhar |
as the global recessionary trend continues, the world
is waking up to the prospect of another food crisis
resulting in a period of political turmoil with unexpected
consequences. This will have an adverse affect on poor
developing country exporters that have not yet recovered
fully from earlier crises.
Looming Food Crisis |
25th 2012, C.P.
Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
possibility of another global food crisis facing the
world brings with it questions about what exactly is
causing these crazy fluctuations in global food prices.
Arguably, it is not changes in the 'real' conditions
that are behind these price fluctuations. Rather, it
is the role played by rumour, and therefore by the media
in altering expectations that can explain, to a large
extent, the recent spike in food prices. |
and Agriculture: Trends in India into the early Twelfth
Plan period |
23rd 2012, Rahul Goswami |
transformation taking place in India's agriculture and
crop cultivation choices is brought about by a few key
factors that have begun to heavily influence the patterns
of crop cultivation, the movement of food through India
and the effect of these on nutrition on different income
classes in rural and urban habitats. In this view, foreign
direct investment in multi-brand retail and the influence
of the retail food industry is linked with climate change
impacts and the proposed genetic engineering solutions;
the combining of agriculture, health and nutrition is
aided by pro-technology policies and consumption geared
for urbanising India; and the domination by the USA
of the crop science, research agenda and market reform
process is still evident. These factors are responsible
for the repetition of the misdiagnosis of impending
hunger in the country by the Government of India as
being a consequence of a lack of food, to be tackled
today, and tackled exclusively by technological means. |
Great Fuel Subsidy Hoax |
20th 2012, C.P.
Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
his Budget Speech, the Finance Minister signalled his
intent to reduce subsidies, particularly the fuel subsidy,
by an estimated Rs 25,000 crore. In this article, the
authors consider the retail prices of petrol and diesel
in India relative to some other countries, and examine
the validity of the claim that the petroleum sector
is actually a burden on the exchequer. |
on the State of Food Insecurity in Urban India |
28th 2012 |
report is an update of Food Insecurity Atlas of Urban
India that was developed by the M.S. Swaminathan Research
Foundation (MSSRF) and the World Food Programme (WFP)
in October 2002 and a companion exercise to the Report
on the State of Food Insecurity in Rural India of 2001.
Reviewing the relative position of the major states
with respect to food security, the Report reveals an
alarming situation of a permanent food and nutrition
emergency in urban India. Hence in order to promote
food and nutrition security for all, the Report offers
certain policy recommendations emphasizing that urban
food security is impacted by the macroeconomic policies
and therefore, economic reforms needs to be re-formed
to provide inclusive urban development. |
in Global Food Markets |
14th 2012, Jayati
Ghosh |
growing power of multinational firms within the global
food system has implications for both producers and
consumers of food and it poses serious threats to global
food security. Therefore, enforcement of some regulation
and control is necessary to prevent concentration of
market power in the hands of a few large retailers that
leads to various malpractices.
Food Security to Food Justice |
7th 2012, Ananya
Mukherjee |
of Indians suffer from the twin violence of hunger and
injustice. However, most of the Indian governments are
neither willing nor able to deliver food justice. Therefore,
the need of the hour is the devolution of power and
resources to the local level so that with their knowledge
of local needs and situations they can create a just
food economy, as has been shown by the women in Kerala.
Retail Firms in India |
12th 2011, Jayati
Ghosh |
actual impact of large corporate retail, and especially
multinational retail chains, in developing countries
clearly shows that many of the claims made by proponents
of such corporate retailing - in terms of employment
generation or benefits to producers and consumers -
are suspect or sometimes completely false.
in Retail |
1st 2011, C.P.
Chandrasekhar |
FDI in retail trade, wherein a few oligopolistic buyers
will come to dominate retail trade, will lead to adverse
employment effects and an erosion of the real incomes
of small crop producers.
Ethiopia: The fire next time? |
21st 2011, Alemayehu
G. Mariam |
is an Indian MNC that currently owns 2,500 sq km of
virgin fertile land in Gambala, Ethiopia, where it practices
corporate farming. The project has not only displaced
local inhabitants from their homeland, it is also impoverishing
the local community by bringing in farmers from India
and thereby denying local people the right to livelihood.
The produce is meant to be exported to the international
market, whereas Ethiopia is one of the largest recipients
of foreign food aid.
an Inflation Cure |
7th 2011, C.P.
Chandrasekhar |
changing responses of the government to persisting inflation
suggest that the government has given up on the task
of curbing inflation and expects that people would learn
to live with the phenomenon and adjust. Thus the focus
on the long-run supply constraints in agriculture as
being the reason for the recent inflationary surge is
to evade rather than address the problem of inflation.
Global Farmland |
7th 2011, Jayati
Ghosh |
is essential to fight the irresponsible and exploitative
behavior manifested by Indian companies involved in
the recent trend in large-scale overseas acquisitions
of farmland and the undemocratic processes underlying
these land grabs. Without this, the struggle for greater
economic justice within India will also be undermined.
Role in the New Global Farmland Grab |
23rd 2011, Rick Rowden |
report explores the role of Indian agricultural companies
that have been involved in the recent trend in large-scale
overseas acquisitions of farmland. In addition to examining
the various factors driving the ''outsourcing'' of domestic
food production, the report also explores the negative
consequences of such a trend. It looks at why critics
have called the trend ''land grabbing'' and reviews the
impacts on local peoples on the ground, who are often
displaced in the process. |
Prices, Health and Nutrition: Red-flag indicators for
the 12th Plan |
17th 2011, Rahul Goswami |
long-term impacts of food inflation on the rural and urban
poor are yielding worrying indicators in India's nutrition
and health sectors. Analysing new data from the NSSO's
66th Round and recent trends in retail food prices, the
author establishes that households in the lower deciles
of consumption in both rural and urban areas have been
hurt the most by the steep rise in the real retail prices
of cereals during 2003 to 2009-10. |
Price Transmission in South Asia |
14th 2011, C.P.
Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
recent increase in global food prices has once again
set off alarm signals in developing countries, especially
in South Asia, where food inflation has been a major
problem for some years now. Evidence from South Asian
countries corroborates the fact that domestic factors
do play a role in the international transmission; while
rising global prices put upward pressure on domestic
prices in a much rapid manner, its downward movements
are less rapidly or effectively transmitted and often
do not have any such impact. |
India's Food Flows: An analysis of the food waste argument
23rd 2011, Rahul Goswami |
the mid-term appraisal of the Eleventh Five Year plan
onwards, central government ministries have been telling
us that post-harvest losses in India are high, particularly
for fruits and vegetables. The amount of waste often quoted
is up to 40% for vegetables and fruits, and has been held
up as the most compelling reason to permit a flood of
investment in the new sector of agricultural logistics,
to allow the creation of huge food processing zones, and
to link all these to retail food structures in urban markets.
The urban orientation of such an approach ignores the
integrated and organic farming approach, as it does the
evidence that sophistication in food processing has not
in the West prevented food loss or waste. |
West Bengal Needs a Left Government |
4th 2011, Jayati
Ghosh |
is not only for taking forward the struggle for democracy
but also the successful achievements of the Left government
in the areas of land distribution and health that West
Bengal should have a government headed by a revitalised
Left Front. It is essential to consolidate these achievements
and move forward, rather than allow them to be dissipated
or even reversed. |
Transmission of Global Food Prices |
22nd 2011, C.P.
Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
food prices are spiking once again, creating fears of
a renewal or intensification of the global food crisis.
Given that recent domestic food price changes in different
Asian countries point to a broader trend whereby they
have been strongly related to international price changes,
this is a matter of extreme concern. |
Onion Price Rise: What actually made us cry? |
21st 2011,Ann
Mary John |
is unfair to hold only supply side factors responsible
for the upswings in onion prices. Food price inflation
can be seen to have been caused by the government's
action (inaction) and not by the emerging domestic demand
or the unfortunate supply side conditions alone. |
the MNREGS Affecting Rural Wages? |
4th 2011, Jayati
Ghosh |
numerous problems with the implementation of the Mahatma
Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, the
Scheme has borne some positive results. Ironically,
the moderate success of the Scheme in improving the
conditions and bargaining power of rural labour, including
that of women workers, has now become another source
of its criticism. |
Prices and Distribution Margins in India |
3rd 2011, Jayati
Ghosh |
look at corporate retail as the solution to the current
food price increase seems to be foolish as the recent
evidence on distribution margins indicates that the
countrywide share of corporate retail in food distribution
is estimated to have tripled in the past four years
and the retail food prices have shown the greatest increase.
Instead, creating a viable and effective public distribution
system in essential commodities is an immediate requirement. |
Paralysis and Inflation |
3rd 2011, C.P.
Chandrasekhar |
price trends over the last one-and-a-half years suggest
that inflation is being driven by factors which are
structurally embedded in the economic environment generated
by the government's neoliberal reform agenda adopted
for two decades now. Further, neoliberal thinking is
leading not only to policy paralysis and absurd reasoning,
but also to policy responses that are contrary to what
is needed. |
the Right to Food |
2nd 2011, C.P.
Chandrasekhar |
its task of formulating the Food Security Bill, the
National Advisory Council has ended up recognizing the
supply constraints that could hinder implementation
of the bill which guarantees universal access to food
through a public distribution system. |
Suffering: Distributional impact of recent inflation in
India |
6th 2011, Rajarshi
Majumder and Subhadip Ghosh |
inflation in India is special both because of its peaks
and its persistence. It is argued that unlike during
2008-09, recent inflation is due to structural problems.
Further, a distributional analysis reveals that its
impact is not shared equally. People in the lower income
groups have been facing uncommon difficulties, as their
purchasing power seems to have been halved over the
last four years. |
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