MacroScan is a website managed by  the Economic Research Foundation, New Delhi, seeking to provide an alternative to conservative and mainstream positions in economics. It undertakes and disseminates analyses, by professional economists, of the Indian and global economy that are informed by the perspective that:

  • distributive justice should be a primary goal of economic policy

  • socio-economic structures are important in determining economic outcomes

  • markets are not always benign

  • globalisation as it occurs today is inequalising and is a challenge to sovereignty in economic policy-making

  • state intervention and regulation are crucial for improving overall welfare.

MacroScan also seeks to build capacities to undertake such analyses in order to strengthen those advocating an alternative economic paradigm. Towards this end it has built a comprehensive database on the Indian economy. The database includes time series information dating from as early as the 1950s, on a host of variables in the areas of national accounts, money supply, public finance, prices, agricultural and industrial production, trade and the balance of payments. All the data series available in the database are listed under different heads to make access easier. Further, MacroScan provides analytical surveys of recent macroeconomic trends, regular updates on economic issues, and comprehensive economic reports.


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