Ethiopia: The fire next time?*
21st 2011, Alemayehu G. Mariam |
Flood This Time
''Karuturi's First Corn Crop in Ethiopia Destroyed,''
announced the headline. Karuturi Global Ltd., is the
Indian multinational agro company that has been gobbling
up large chunks of Ethiopia over the past few years.
This time, Mother Nature gobbled up Karuturi. The company
reported last week that its 30,000 acre corn crop in
Gambella in western Ethopia was wiped out when the Baro
and Alwero rivers overflowed their banks and overwhelmed
Karuturi's 80km long system of protective dikes. Head
honcho Sai Ramakrishna Karuturi said his company took
a $15 million ''hit'' from the floods. He was manifestly
puzzled by the intensity of the calamity: ''This kind
of flooding we haven't seen before. This is a crazy
amount of water.''
Karuturi is today the proud owner of ''2,500 sq km of
virgin, fertile land – an area the size of Dorset, England-''
in Ethiopia. Truth be told, Karuturi did not ask for
this bountiful giveaway, nor did it lay eyes on it when
it was presented with a 50-year ''lease'' on a golden
platter by the ruling regime in Ethiopia. Karuturi was
offered the land together with generous tax breaks and
other perks for £150 a week ($USD245). Karuturi
Project Manager in Ethiopia, Karmjeet Sekhon, giggled
euphorically as he told Guardian reporter John Vidal
the amazing story of how his company became the beneficiary
of one of the largest free land giveaways in post-colonial
African history:
We never saw the land. They gave it to us and we took
it. Seriously, we did. We did not even see the land.
(Triumphantly cackling laughter.) They offered it. That's
all. It's very good land. It's quite cheap. In fact
it is very cheap. We have no land like this in India.
There [India] you are lucky to get 1% of organic matter
in the soil. Here it is more than 5%. We don't need
fertiliser or herbicides. There is absolutely nothing
that will not grow on it. To start with there will be
20,000 hectares of oil palm, 15,000 hectares of sugar
cane and 40,000 hectares of rice, edible oils and maize
and cotton. We are building reservoirs, dykes, roads,
towns of 15,000 people. This is phase one. In three
years time we will have 300,000 hectares cultivated
and maybe 60,000 workers. We could feed a nation here.
The ruling regime in Ethiopia claims that it ''leased''
uninhabited wilderness to Karuturi. It denies forcing
the local people out of their land and ''villagizing''
(herding them into official villages) the heck out of
them. But the evidence is incontrovertible. The ''leased''
land is not only the ancestral home of the people of
Gambella but also the basis of their entire livelihood
and survival as a tiny minority in the Ethiopian family.
For Gambellans who live as pastoralist and subsistence
farmers, massive dispossession and auctioning off their
land for pennies will inevitably destroy the very fabric
of their society and way of life and threaten them with
Karuturistan, Ethiopia (formerly Gambella, Ethiopia)
It is said that in Ethiopia ''land is owned by the government.''
If the ''government'' is the largest land owner, Karuturi
must be the largest plantation owner and second largest
land owner in that impoverished country. Indeed, it
would be most appropriate to rename Gambella ''Karuturistan''
in the interest of full disclosure and accurate description
of what is happening on the ground. Karuturi says it
has all kinds of plans for its vast land holdings. It
will ''build taller dikes'' to enclose the plantations
''with no connection with outside water except through
manually operated devices.'' Karuturi is ''aggressively
rolling out an agriculture business venture in Ethiopia''
and plans to ''outsource 20,000 hectares of farm land
in the African nation to Indian farmers on a revenue-sharing
basis.'' A ''senior Kauturi official'' told India's leading
business newspaper, the Business Standard, ''We have
got a decent response. We intend to give land and the
necessary infrastructure to farmers who have the expertise
in specific crop cultivation and get into a revenue
share (65%:35%) with them. We hope to have agreements
reached for around 20,000 hectares in the near future
as part of the first phase.'' Karuturi is actively negotiating
with farmers from Punjab, India to launch its outsourcing
Karuturi's business model is simple: ''Ask not what Karuturi
can do for Ethiopia, but what Ethiopians can do for
Karuturi.'' Karuturi is in Ethiopia for only one thing:
Profit and more profits. Just as it has built ''dikes
to enclose its plantations from flood water'', it also
maintains a social, psychological and security enclosure
to insulate itself from the local Gambella community
. Karuturi maintains a virtual agricultural treasure
island in Gambella. While foreign farmers are brought
in as modern sharecroppers and given partnership interest,
Gambella's farmers are offered or given nothing. Why
not offer Gambella farmers (the real owners of the land)
a 35 percent share just like the Punjabi farmers?
Karuturi says it intends to give part of its vast landholdings
to Indian farmers with "expertise". The people
of Gambella have their own time-tested agricultural
expertise, but Karuturi does not want it and will not
even make a symbolic gesture to help them acquire expertise
by giving them training and education in new agricultural
methods and techniques. Karuturi says it will export
its corn and other commodities to ''South Sudan and other
East African markets'' using ''two tug boats with the
capacity to carry 600 tons each''. Yet millions of Ethiopians
are starving and dependent on foreign food aid for their
daily bread. Some 7.5 million Ethiopians are kept alive
daily by international food handouts. Last week USAID
chief Raj Shah announced in Ethiopia that the US will
provide $110m for famine relief. Karuturi says its commodities
exports will ''bring foreign exchange to the National
Bank of Ethiopia.'' What will Karuturi bring to the people
of Ethiopia? The people of Gambella? More poverty, exploitation,
environmental degradation?
Through Rose-Colored Lenses
Karuturi Ltd., is the world's largest producer of roses.
Its slogan is said to be ''Let millions of roses bloom''.
Roses are beautiful, but looking through rose-colored
lenses one gets a rosy outlook on reality. Karuturi
could easily mistake the vast tract of free land that
was dropped on its lap, all of the tax breaks it receives,
the duty free imports of machines and equipment it enjoys
and all of the other preferential treatment it gets
as proof of its arrival in Nirvana, not Ethiopia. Take
the rosy lenses off and Karuturi shall behold an Ethiopia
that ranks at the bottom of every international economic
and political index: It is among the countries in the
world with the lowest per capita incomes and highest
inflation and unemployment rates. The ruling regime
has been classified as one of the worst violators of
human rights in the world. Karuturi looking through
its rosy lenses may be unable to see the grinding poverty
of the people of Gambella and the destruction of their
way of life when they were forced to give up so much
of their ancestral lands.
The most troubling aspect of Karuturi's ''investment''
in Ethiopia is not only that it has created an island
of wealth and prosperity in a sea of poverty in Gambella,
but that its large-scale commercial farming operations
and practices are manifestly unsustainable and likely
to have a severely negative impact on the land and the
way of life of the people. Numerous experts continue
to warn that large-scale commercial farming operations
and practices by land-grabbing multinational companies
that use forest burning to clear the land, channel rivers
and introduce exotic crop species cause permanent and
irreversible environmental damage and ecological imbalance.
The capital-intensive technologies of the multinationals
displace local farmers and render them irrelevant necessitating
outsourcing and importation of foreign farmers with
''expertise''. ''When over one-hundred papers were presented
at the International Conference on Global Land Grabbing
in 2011, not one positive outcome could be found for
local communities.''
In Gambella, the people complain that despite millions
of dollars in investments by Karuturi, they have seen
few jobs, schools, clinics or clean water facilities
for their use. At the end of the day, the people of
Gambella will be the ones suffering the long-term effects
of deforestation (land clearance by burning), reduction
of ecological diversity, loss of local species, and
environmental contamination caused by herbicides and
pesticides used in large-scale commercial farming. When
fertile Gambella becomes a virtual desert, the multinationals
will move to another oasis in Africa.
Karuturi needs to take off its rosy lenses and ask itself
a few questions: How could it create jobs and business
opportunities for local Ethiopians when it is outsourcing
its landholdings to Indian farmers? How could it improve
the agricultural expertise of those Ethiopians in the
local area when it is bringing in foreign ''experts''?
How could Ethiopia ever achieve food security and feed
its explosively growing and food aid-dependent population
when it is shipping out agricultural commodities on
600-ton tugboats under cover of darkness to feed the
people of other nations? What will Karuturi do in the
face of Ethiopia's spreading hunger, famine and uncontrolled
population growth? Will it build larger dikes, walls,
fences and levees to keep the people out of its corn
filelds? Will the regime send its soldiers to protect
Karuturi from the hungry and starving hordes of Ethiopians
begging for a few ears of corn at Karuturi's gates?
There is a Better Way
Karuturi has the option of doing the right thing: Dump
the current land acquisition and ownership deal and
replace it with contract farming and deal directly with
the farmers of Gambella (not Punjabi farmers). Karuturi
(and other foreign investors) could provide the technology
and capital, and the Ethiopians will be obligated to
provide the land and labor. Karuturi could provide training
to farmers in Gambella and enhance their ''expertise''
to make them more productive. Karuturi could supply
grains and other agricultural commodities for the Ethiopian
market profitably and over the long term maintain a
sustainable and ecologically balanced agricultural venture.
Is this too radical an idea or is it too old fashioned?
Rainbow Sign After the Flood?
It has been argued that regimes that seek out or fall
prey to the big multinational land grabbers are dictatorships
that exist on international charity and handouts and
are thoroughly mired in corruption and debt. There is
much talk these days about a ''second generation colonialism''
spearheaded by profit-hungry land grabbing multinationals.
Some even talk about a ''green gold rush'' for fertile
African land sold at fire sale prices by African dictators
eager to line their pockets. These shameless moneygrubbing
dictators will even agree to a deal that will export
grain out of their countries as their population starves
and they are panhandling the world for food handouts.
Truth be told, no one except a few of the top leaders
of the ruling regime know the real deal in the land
giveaway to Karuturi. Very little useful information
is evident in the ''agreement'' made public with Karuturi.
That ''agreement'' offers nothing more than the usual
boilerplate full of meaningless legal mumbo jumbo routinely
used for such ''leases'' by multinational land grabbers
everywhere. For instance, the ''agreement'' alludes to
environmental safety but provides no specific environmental
standards to be followed. It talks about jobs, infrastructures
and the rest but provides no specifics or details on
the timetable for implementation or the scope of Karuturi's
Over a century and a half ago, far, far away from Karuturistan,
a prophesy was told in the lyrics of a song of African
slaves toiling on vast cotton and tobacco plantations
in America. "God gave Noah the rainbow sign: No
more water. The fire next time!" God has given
the people of Ethiopia the rainbow sign: Unite and come
together as one rainbow nation. For those who divide
and misrule and sell and buy pieces of Ethiopia, the
sign says: No more water!
This article was originally published in:
karuturistan_ethiopia_the_fire_next_time |