Banga Hype at the Springs
May 2nd 2024, C.P. Chandrasekhar
Less than a year back, a former chief executive of Mastercard, Ajay Banga, was in a surprise move picked to head the World Bank. Putting a Wall Street player addicted to profits in charge of a development institution claiming to help lift poor countries out of their underdevelopment seemed incongruous.
Fetishising the Growth Rate of GDP
Apr 22nd 2024, Prabhat Patnaik
John Stuart Mill was among the foremost liberal thinkers of modern times who wrote extensively on economics and philosophy. Though under the influence of his wife Harriet Taylor Mill, he came closer towards socialism late in his life, it was a kind of cooperative socialism that attracted him; he continues to be regarded primarily as a pre-eminent liberal thinker.
Water Flowing Upwards: Net financial flows from developing countries
Apr 30th 2024. C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh
Both private and public sources of capital have been disturbingly procyclical for low and middle income countries, forcing them to become net providers of financial resources to the North and to multilateral institutions.
The True Face of "Aid"
Apr 16th 2024. C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh
A spike in Overseas Development Assistance flows from OECD members is not a departure from a long history of ODA levels that have fallen far short of a 1970 promise. It is a revelation of what "aid" really is.
Young Scholars Conference Political Economy of Contemporary South
October 13-14, 2023 | Berkeley, United States
Jun 14th 2023.
Our key theme is the political economy of contemporary South Asia. At the core of these transformations are the fraught and so-called "truncated transition," where South Asian societies are not making the transition from farm to factory, but the rise of informal economies, industrial clusters, in-between agrarian-urban and peri-urban spaces force us to rethink familiar transition narratives and to eschew them in favour of more grounded theories.
Budget 2023-24

Budget 2023-24: Neither growth nor welfare friendly

Feb 8th 2023, C.P. Chandrasekhar

If we ignore the hype that accompanies and follows the presentation of the Centre's annual budget, there are principally two strands in it that have attracted attention.

Budget 2023-24: Ignoring the economy's basic problem

Feb 6th 2023, Prabhat Patnaik

The most outstanding feature of the Indian economy today is the sluggish increase in real consumption expenditure. Between 2019-20 and 2022-23 for instance the per capita real consumption expenditure has grown by less than 5 per cent which is less than the rate of growth of the gross domestic product.

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