of an Industrial Recession |
4th 2008, C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
are that India would experience an industrial slowdown
triggered by the effects of the financial turmoil on
the real economy. The most up to date evidence on the
growth of the manufacturing sector is the movement of
the Index of Industrial Production (IIP), which is a
lead indicator of trends in registered manufacturing.
Annualised month-on-month rates of growth of the manufacturing
IIP indicate that growth in August 2008 for industry
as a whole and manufacturing in particular were 1.27
per cent and 1.15 per cent respectively. This compares
with 10.86 per cent and 10.75 per cent respectively
in the corresponding month of the previous year.
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Despite scepticism about month-on-month annual
rates, this decline is disconcerting because it comes
after evidence of a medium term slowdown. After touching
a trough in September 2001, growth as captured by this
index staged a medium term recovery to peak at 17.6
per cent in November 2006 (Chart 1). Since then, despite
fluctuations, the trend is one of decline.
The post-September 2001 evidence on rising or high industrial
and manufacturing growth was reassuring, since past
experience suggested that high industrial growth has
not been the rule under liberalization. Taking a long
view, we find that industrial growth as captured by
the IIP, which averaged 9 per cent in the second half
of the 1980s, slumped immediately after the balance
of payments crisis of 1991 (Chart 2). However, a recovery
followed, with manufacturing growth rising to a peak
of 14.1 per cent over the three-year period 1993-94
to 1995-96. This led many to argue that liberalization
had begun to deliver in terms of industrial growth.
But the boom proved short-lived, and industry entered
a relatively long period of much slower growth, with
fears of an industrial recession being expressed by
2001-02. Since then the industrial sector has once again
recovered, with rates of growth touching the high level
s of the mid-1990s by 2004-05. Even though the peak
of 1995-96 has not been equalled, growth was creditable
and sustained over the five years ending 2007-08.
An additional cause for comfort offered by the 2002-03
to 2007-08 experience was that there appeared to be
significant differences between the mini-boom of the
mid-1990s and what occurred recently. The 1993-1995
“mini-boom” was the result of a combination of several
once-for-all influences. Principal among these was the
release after liberalization of the pent-up demand for
a host of import-intensive manufactures, which (because
of liberalization) could be serviced through domestic
assembly or production using imported inputs and components.
Once that demand had been satisfied, further growth
had to be based on an expansion of the domestic market
or a surge in exports. Since neither of these conditions
was realized, industry entered a phase of slow growth.
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What was surprising, in fact, was that the deceleration
in growth after 1997 growth was not even sharper. This
was because there were features of economic liberalization
and fiscal reform that were bound to adversely affect
manufacturing growth. To start with, import liberalization
results in some displacement of existing domestic production
directly by imports and indirectly by new products assembled
domestically from imported inputs. Second, the reduction
in customs duties resorted to as part of the import
liberalization package and the direct and indirect tax
concessions that were provided to the private sector
to stimulate investment, led to a decline in the tax-GDP
ratio at the Centre by between around 1.5 percentage
points of GDP over the 1990s. This implied that so long
as deficit-spending by the government did not increase,
the demand stimulus associated with government expenditure
would be lower than would have otherwise been the case.
Third, after 1993-94 the government also chose to significantly
restrict the fiscal deficit as part of fiscal reform.
Success on this front was delayed, but began to be achieved
by the late 1990s, making the stimulus provided to industrial
growth by state expenditure substantially smaller than
was the case in the 1980s. These were among the factors
that slowed industrial growth after the mid-1990s.
If the stimulus to industrial growth was dampened after
the late 1990s, what explains the post-2002 recovery
in industrial growth? That recovery was in large measure
due to the increases in private consumption and housing
investment resulting from two important developments.
One is the much faster increases in income in the top
deciles of the population. It is known that these do
not get effectively reflected in consumption expenditure
surveys and inequality calculations based on them, because
these surveys inadequately cover the upper income groups.
Yet a comparison of the mean real per capita consumption
expenditure by decile groups (Table 1) indicates that
the rate of growth of mean consumption expenditure in
the highest decile in both rural and urban areas rose
much faster than in the other decile groups. Moreover,
not only did aggregate mean consumption expenditure
in the urban areas increase at a rate (22 per cent)
much faster than in rural areas (5.5 per cent), but
in the urban areas the rates of growth of such expenditure
in the top five deciles, (which ranged between 19 and
33 per cent) was much higher than in lower five deciles
(between 10.4 and 16 per cent). (Inequality in consumption
expenditure as measure by the gini coefficient rose
from 0.286 to 0.305 in rural areas and from 0.344 to
0.367 in urban areas during this period.) This meant
that there would have been some diffusion of luxury
consumption to those below the topmost deciles in the
urban areas.
The second development is the sharp increase in credit
financed housing investment and consumption, facilitated
by financial liberalization, which played an extremely
important role in keeping industrial demand at high
levels. Credit served as a stimulus to industrial demand
in three ways. First, it financed a boom in investment
in housing and real estate and spurred the growth in
demand for construction materials. Second, it financed
purchases of automobiles and triggered an automobile
boom. Finally, it contributed to the expansion in demand
for consumer durables.
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The point to note is that compared to the mid-1990s
the growth of credit in recent years has been explosive,
facilitated in part by the liquidity injected into the
system by the large inflows of foreign financial capital
in the form of equity and debt. In the wake of this
increase in liquidity, expansion in credit provision
has been accompanied by an increase in the exposure
of the banking sector to the retail loan segment. The
share of personal loans in total bank credit has risen
sharply since the beginning of liberalisation, almost
trebling from 8.3 per cent in 1992-93 to 12.2 per cent
during 2000-2001 to 242.3 per cent in 2006-07 (Chart
3). Much of this has been concentrated in housing finance,
with housing loans accounting for just above 51 per
cent of personal loans in 2007. But purchasers of automobiles
and consumer durables have also received a fair share
of credit.
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Another element of change in the factors contributing
to industrial growth during the current boom as opposed
to that in the mid-1990s is the stimulus provided by
exports. In the early and mid-1990s high growth was
accompanied by high imports, with exports growing, if
at all, in areas where India was traditionally strong.
In recent years, the share of India’s traditional manufactured
exports such as textiles, gems and jewellery and leather
in the total exports of manufactures has declined, while
that of chemicals and engineering goods has gone up
significantly. This would have stimulated growth. While
exports are by no means the principal drivers of manufacturing
production, they play a part in sectors like automobile
parts and chemicals and pharmaceuticals where Indian
firms are increasingly successful in global markets.
The Pattern of Demand
The nature of the stimuli underlying recent industrial
growth does have implications for the pattern of demand.
An important implication of debt-financed manufacturing
demand is that it is inevitably concentrated in the
first instance in a narrow range of commodities that
are the targets of personal finance. Commodities whose
demand is expanded with credit finance vary from construction
materials to automobiles and consumer durables.
A disaggregated picture of the pattern of organised
industrial sector growth can be drawn based on movements
in net value added at the three-digit level in industries
covered by the Annual Survey of industries (ASI), a
comparable series for which for the period 1973-74 to
2003-04 has been prepared by the EPW Research Foundation.
To adjust the series for changes in prices, the three-digit
level industries have been matched with appropriate
combinations of commodities covered in the series on
Wholesale Price Indices with base year 1993-94 published
by the Office of the Economic Adviser in the Ministry
of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. Where
a perfect match for a particular three-digit industry
group was not available, price indices for three-digit
groups have been arrived at by weighting the index of
each commodity within the group with the relative weight
attached to it in the WPI. Using these indices, figures
on value added at the three-digit level have been deflated
to compute inflation-adjusted values for each year.
One feature which emerges from the resulting series
on net value added is the wide variation in growth at
the three digit level with high growth being concentrated
in relatively few industries. To calculate the contribution
of the fastest growing industries to the overall rate
of growth of these 52 three-digit level industries,
we multiply the compound rate of growth in any particular
three-digit industry (implicit in the real net value
added in 1993-94 and 2003-04) with the share of value
added in this industry relative to all 52 industries
in the base year, and divide the resulting figure by
the sum of the weighted growth rates of net value added
all 52 industries. The top 3 growth contributing industries
during the period 1993-94 to 2003-04 accounted for 38
per cent of the growth in all industries, with the figure
for the top 5 rising to close to 55 per cent, the top
10 to almost 75 per cent and for the top 15 to almost
90 per cent. There were 39 industries that recorded
a positive rate of growth for this period. If we restrict
our analysis to those industries that registered a positive
rate of growth over the period, the picture of concentration
still persists (Table 2). The top 3 growth contributors
over the period 1993-94 to 2003-04 accounted for more
than a third of growth in all industries with a positive
rate of growth, with the figure for the top 5 rising
to close to 50 per cent, the top 10 to more than two-thirds
and for the top 15 to almost 80 per cent. This pattern
of growth distribution characterised the two sub-periods
into which the whole period has been divided.
An examination of the industries that fall in the category
of highest growth contributing industries shows that
these consist largely of the metal and chemical industries
gaining from the credit financed construction and consumption
boom, including areas like automobiles, television receivers
and computing equipment. The leading sectors also include
many chemical industries that feed luxury consumption,
like refined petroleum products. Finally, the leaders
include those industries that may have benefited from
new export opportunities such as iron and steel and
2 >>
This concentration of growth in industries that have
benefited from the stimuli offered by credit-financed
investment and consumption and exports has obvious implications
for the fall-out of recent developments in financial
and currency markets. One development is that the FII
exodus has resulted in a sharp depreciation of the rupee,
despite RBI intervention to an extent where foreign
exchange reserves have fallen by more the $50 billion.
In normal circumstances this would have stimulated exports
and industrial growth. The problem, however, is that
the currencies of India’s competitors are depreciating
as well. So export benefits are limited. On the other
hand, global markets are showing signs of slowdown,
affecting export demand adversely. This would slow growth.
The second fall-out of significance is that the financial
turmoil is slowing credit growth, including retail credit
growth where defaults are reportedly rising and are
likely to rise further if the economy slows down. The
Finance Ministry and the RBI thought this problem could
be dealt with by pumping liquidity and easing interest
rates. The experience here and elsewhere suggest that
this would not work. In the circumstances, the recent
sharp fall in the month-on-month growth rate of the
IIP may not be too far off the mark. Unless the government
recognises that a proactive, deficit-financed fiscal
strategy is not bad but good policy.
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