Market Stabilization Scheme and the Indian Fisc |
12th 2007, C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
at a full Planning Commission meeting to approve the
draft of the XIth Five Year Plan, Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh expressed concern over the mounting petroleum,
food and fertilizer subsidies that are expected to exceed
Rs.1,00,000 crore this year. These subsidies he argued
may be “shutting out” development options, since such
large outgoes could mean "fewer schools, fewer
hospitals, fewer scholarships, lower public investment
in agriculture and poor infrastructure". The case
for reducing at least some of these subsidies, especially
those on food, is controversial and bound to meet with
opposition. On the other hand, the need to mobilize
as much resources as possible to meet expenditures of
the kind the PM refers to is unquestioned. What we need
to look to are measures that would be less controversial
and more acceptable. One such would be to curb the large
and unwarranted flows of capital especially financial
capital into India in recent times, the management of
which is threatening to damage the government’s fiscal
maneuverability and divert scarce resources away from
critical sectors.
That India is experiencing an unprecedented surge in
capital inflows is undeniable. While the current account
deficit on India’s balance of payments remained almost
constant in 2005-06 and 2006-07 at $9.2 billion and
$9.6 billion respectively, net capital flows into the
country rose from an already high $23.4 billion to $44.9
billion. What is particularly disconcerting is that
this tendency has only been intensified in recent months.
Net inflows of foreign institutional investments into
India’s stock and debt markets that had risen significantly
starting 2003, and averaged $8.8 billion a year during
2003 to 2006, has registered a sharp jump to $18.6 billion
over the first 10 months of 2007 (Chart 1).
This has also been a period when Indian corporates have
been exploiting the liberalized external commercial
borrowing policy and borrowing massively abroad to benefit
from lower interest rates. Figures for the January to
May period indicate that borrowing totaled $15.3 billion
in 2007, as compared with $10.8 billion and $3.4 billion
during the corresponding periods in 2006 and 2005 repectively
(Chart 2).
1 >>
While the Reserve Bank of India has been routinely
liberalizing rules governing capital account expenditures
by domestic corporate and resident, this massive surge
in capital inflows has put substantial pressure on the
rupee. Rupee appreciation, especially vis-a-is a depreciating
dollar has begun to hurt exporters of goods and services.
Called upon to manage the market determined exchange
rate the central bank has over the years been buying
up foreign currency and expanding its reserve of foreign
assets to adjust domestic demand for foreign currency
to the autonomously driven inflow of foreign exchange.
Forex reserves that stood at $76 billion at the end
of financial year 2002-03, nearly doubled to touch $151.6
billion by March-end 2006 and have risen to $199.2 billion
by end-March 2007 and $266.5 billion on 2 November,
2007 (Chart 3).
This kind of accumulation of reserves obviously makes
it extremely difficult for the central bank to manage
money supply and conduct monetary policy as per the
principles it espouses and the objectives it sets itself.
An increase in the foreign exchange assets of the central
bank has as its counterpart an increase in its liabilities,
which in turn implies an injection of liquidity into
the system. If this “automatic” expansion of liquidity
is to be controlled, the Reserve Bank of India would
have to retrench some other assets it holds. The assets
normally deployed for this purpose are the government
securities held by the central bank which it can sell
as part of its open market operations to at least partly
match the increase in foreign exchange assets, reduce
the level of reserve money in the system and thereby
limit the expansion in liquidity.
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The Reserve Bank of India has for a few years
now been resorting to this method of sterilization of
capital inflows. But two factors have eroded its ability
to continue to do so. To start with, the volume of government
securities held by any central bank is finite, and can
prove inadequate if the surge in capital inflows is
large and persistent. Second, an important component
of neoliberal fiscal and monetary reform in India has
been the imposition of restrictions on the government’s
borrowing from the central bank to finance its fiscal
expenditures with low cost debt. These curbs were seen
as one means of curbing deficit financed public spending
and as a means of preventing a profligate fiscal policy
from determining the supply of money. The net result
it was argued would be an increase in the independence
of the central bank and an increase in its ability to
follow an autonomous monetary policy. In practice, the
liberalization of rules regarding foreign capital inflows
and the reduced taxation of capital gains made in the
stock market that have accompanied these reforms, has
implied that while monetary policy is independent of
fiscal policy, it is driven by the exogenously given
flows of foreign capital. Further, the central bank’s
independence from fiscal policy has damaged its ability
to manage monetary policy in the context of a surge
in capital flows. This is because, one consequence of
the ban on running a monetized deficit has been that
changes in the central bank’s holdings of government
securities are determined only by its own open market
operations, which in the wake of increased inflows of
foreign capital have involved net sales rather than
net purchases of government securities.
The difficulties this situation creates in terms of
the ability of the central bank to simultaneously manage
the exchange rate and conduct its monetary policy resulted
in the launch of the Market Stabilization Scheme in
April 2004. Under the scheme, the Reserve Bank of India
is permitted to issue government securities to conduct
sterilization operations, the timing, volume, tenure
and terms of which are at its discretion. The ceiling
on the maximum amount of such securities that can be
outstanding at any given point in time is decided periodically
through consultations between the RBI and the government.
Since the securities created are treated as deposits
of the government with the central bank, it appears
as a liability on the balance sheet of the central bank
and reduces the volume of net credit of the RBI to the
central government, which has in fact turned negative.
By increasing such liabilities subject to the ceiling,
the RBI can balance for increases in its foreign exchange
assets to differing degrees, controlling the level of
its assets and, therefore, its liabilities. The money
absorbed through the sale of these securities is not
available to the government to finance its expenditures
but is held by the central bank in a separate account
that can be used only for redemption or the buy-back
of these securities as part of the RBI’s operations
. As far as the central government is concerned while
these securities are a capital liability, its “deposits”
with the central bank are an asset, implying that the
issue of these securities does not make any net difference
to its capital account and does not contribute to the
fiscal deficit. However, the interest payable on these
securities has to be met by the central government and
appears in the budget as a part of the aggregate interest
burden. Thus, the greater is the degree to which the
RBI has to resort to sterilization to neutralize the
effects of capital inflows, the larger is the cost that
the government would have to bear, by diverting a part
of its resources for the purpose.
When the scheme was launched in 2004, the ceiling on
the outstanding obligations under the scheme was set
at Rs. 60,000 crore. Over time this ceiling has been
increased to cope with rising inflows. On November 7,
2007 the ceiling for the year 2007-08 was raised to
Rs.2,50,000 crore, with the proviso that the ceiling
will be reviewed in future when the sum outstanding
(then placed at Rs 185,100 crore) touches Rs.2,35,000
crore. This was remarkable because 3 months earlier,
on August 8, 2007, the Government of India, in consultation
with the Reserve Bank, had revised the ceiling for the
sum outstanding under the Market Stabilisation Scheme
(MSS) for the year 2007-08 to Rs.1,50,000 crore. The
capital surge has obviously resulted in a sharp increase
in recourse to the scheme over a short period of time.
As Chart 4 shows, while in the early history of the
scheme, the volumes outstanding tended to fluctuate,
since end-June 2005, the rise has been almost consistent,
with a dramatic increase of Rs. 117,181 crore between
March 31, 2007 and November 8, 2007. That compares with,
while being additional to, the budget estimate of market
borrowings of Rs. 150,948 crore during 2007-08. This
increase in the interest-bearing liability of the government
while not making a difference to its capital account
does increase its interest burden.
There are many ways in which this burden can be estimated
or projected, given the fact that actual sums outstanding
under the MSS do fluctuate over the year. One is to
calculate the average of weekly sums outstanding under
the scheme over the year and treat that as the average
level of borrowing. On that basis, and taking the interest
rate of 6.7 per cent that was implicit in recent auctions
of such securities, the interest burden is significant
if not large. It amounts to around Rs. 5,200 crore for
the year ending 2 November, 2007 and Rs. 2,500 crore
for the year preceding that. But this is an underestimate,
given the rapid increase in sums outstanding in recent
A second way of estimating the interest burden is to
examine the volume of securities sold to deal with any
surge and assess what it would cost the government if
that surge is not reversed. Thus, if we take the Rs.
117,181 crore increase in issues between March 31 and
November 2, 2007 as the minimum required to manage the
recent surge, the interest cost to the government works
out to about Rs. 7,850 crore. Finally, if interest that
would have to be paid over a year on total sums outstanding
at any point of time under the MSS scheme (or Rs. 185,100
crore on November 7, 2007) is taken as the cost of permitting
large capital inflows, then the annual cost to the government
is Rs. 12,400 crore.
As has been noted earlier in this column, India does
not need most of the capital inflows coming into the
country to finance. They are not needed to finance the
relatively small current account deficit on its balance
of payments. And there are reasons to believe that much
of this capital inflow is speculative, is directed at
the secondary market or to sectors like real estate,
and makes little productive contribution to the economy.
Given these features, it is surprising that the government
is willing to bear a burden on its fisc to sustain these
inflows rather than opt for measures to stall and reverse
such flows. In the circumstances, the first effort at
finding resources for the Plan should be to curb these
inflows which, besides being damaging in themselves,
absorb scarce resources. This is the direction in which
the Prime Minister must push the Planning Commission,
before raking up the controversial issues of subsidies.
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