Shares in the Indian Economy* |
17th 2012, C.P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh |
of income distribution in the Indian economy tend to
be almost entirely based on data relating to consumption
distribution, which is typically used as a proxy for
income distribution. This is largely because the only
large and reasonably periodic (though still not annual)
datasets available are the NSSO Surveys of household
consumption, which are also useful because they allow
disaggregation of households along various other criteria
such as location, household characteristics, employment
status and so on. Even so, the exclusive reliance on
household consumption data is necessarily a limitation.
For several reasons, this approach tends to understate
the extent of inequality. Firstly, it is well known
that the nature of the surveys is such that they tend
to underestimate the tails of the distribution, excluding
the very rich and the very poor. Secondly, and possibly
more importantly, consumption covers only a part (albeit
a large part) of income, and it is also well known that
the poor are more likely to consume as much or even
more than their income while the rich are more able
to save. So income distribution is more unequal than
consumption distribution. Indeed, focusing only on consumption
distribution not only understates the extent of inequality
but also may not help in capturing changing trends,
particularly if these changes are reflected more in
savings than in consumption.
There is another way of looking at distribution, which
reflects the position of agents in the economy and identifies
them as employers, workers, those receiving “mixed incomes”
typically because of self-employment, and those receiving
incomes from financial investments. This is in many
ways the more economically illuminating way of looking
at distribution in an economy.
The classical economists Smith, Ricardo and Marx all
recognised that the most significant issues with respect
to distribution related to the distribution of power
and income among the classes, defined by their ownership
of or relation to the means of production. This in turn
affects many macroeconomic variables: the rates of saving
and investment, patterns of accumulation, the nature
of the growth process, and so on. In the Indian case,
examining the behaviour of factor shares provides important
insights into both the underlying forces of the current
growth process and the implications of aggregate income
growth for the conditions of workers and self-employed
An earlier study by Sandesara and Bishnoi (“Factor Income
Shares by Sectors in Indian Economy, 1960-61-1981-82:
A Statistical Analysis”, Economic and Political Weekly,
9 August 1986) found that in the decades of the 1960s
and 1970s, there had been a significant increase in
the share of compensation of employees, from 35 per
cent of total income to 41 per cent. They also found
declines in the mixed income of the self-employed. They
associated both of these tendencies with the structural
changes associated with growth and development, and
saw them as fairly typically processes of the gradual
transformation and diversification of the Indian economy.
an analysis of the data for the subsequent period after
1980 throws up very different results. It is worth noting
that this period after which the Indian economy is generally
seen to have “taken off” in terms of transcending the
“Hindu rate of growth” to move to a higher growth trajectory,
has been one in which these tendencies have been less
marked or even reversed.
The following charts show data calculated from the CSO's
statistics on factor incomes for the period 1980-81
to 2009-10. All the data refer to current price variables.
Chart 1 shows that in terms of overall NDP, there has
been a slight and slightly uneven decline in the share
of compensation of employees, more marked especially
in the most recent years. However, within organised
sector NDP, the decline is much sharper and even quite
striking, with the share falling from 75 per cent in
1980-81 to 69 per cent in 1990-91 to 60 per cent at
the turn of the century to as low as 46 per cent in
the late 2000s, recovering slightly to 51 per cent in
the most recent year, 2009-10.

1 >>
(Click to Enlarge)
2000, the CS0 provided data separately for operating
surpluses and mixed incomes (typically received by
the self-employed). However, for the past decade this
distinction has no longer been maintained and therefore
it is no longer possible to estimate how the two have
moved individually for the period after 2000-01.
However, another important process in the past three
decades is easy to identify: the decline in the share
of the unorganised sector in GDP. This is part of
a longer term trend also identified by Sandesara and
Rao for the the previous two decades. They noted that
the unorganised sector's share of GDP declined from
74 per cent in 1960-61 to 66 per cent in 1980-81.
As evident from Chart 2, the decline in share continued
in the subsequent decades, though somewhat moderated
in the first part of the period, and experienced a
much sharper fall in the later period.
It is possible to link this with the growth of national
income, as the period of most rapid acceleration of
NNP was also the period of sharpest fall in the share
of unorganised incomes. This is obviously a process
to be welcomed as it is evidence of desired structural
change. The concern is however, that it has been accomapnied
by no increase (and even a slight decrease according
to the NSSO data) of the organised sector's share
in total employment. Thus, unorganised employment
accounts for the overwhelmingly dominant share (more
than 95 per cent) of all workers, even through the
recent period of rapid growth when its the share of
national income has been falling sharply.

2 >>
(Click to Enlarge)
From Chart 2 it is also possible to conceive of dividing
this thirty year period into three distinct phases.
The first break is clearly 1991-92, which marked the
start of the phase of liberalisation, the market-oriented
reform process in the Indian economy. This did not
mark a major acceleration of the growth of national
income, which remained at approximately the same rate
for the next decade (as evident also from Chart 3).
The second break is 2001-02, not because of any major
policy regime change, but because this was indeed
a different period in terms of growth aceleration.
Chart 3 confirms that compared to around 5.5 per cent
average annual growth of national product in the first
two period, the third period showed a jump to an average
annual rate of 7.7 per cent. The subsequent bars in
the chart indicate avaerages of share of NDP in each
of the three periods.

3 >>
(Click to Enlarge)
What emerges is that the period of growth acceleration
was also the period of significant decline in the
share of compensation of employees in aggregate NDP,
from an average of 38 per cent in the previous period
to less than 34 per cent. Meanwhile, the share of
the organised sector continued to show substantial
increases. But what is most notable is the very significant
increase within the organised sector's NDP, of the
share of surplus. It now accounts for nearly half
of the income accuring to that sector, a massive increase
over three decades.
Clearly, in the period of rapid growth, that growth
has been focussed on the organised sector in GDP terms
(though unfortunately not in employment) and the greater
part of the growth has accrued to the surplus-takers.
This confirms the reality that is increasingly apparent
within Indian society, of a growth process that has
generated significant economic inequality and concentrated
the gains among those who do not have to work as employees
in the organised sector or as self-employed workers
in the unorganised sector.
article was originally published in the Business Line
on 2nd April, 2012
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