National Rural Employment Guarantee Act has now been in operation for
more than two years, even though it is still being extended to all the
rural areas of the country. In that relatively short time, it has already
become one of the most avidly studied programmes of the central government,
with many independent evaluations in different states as well as government
audit of its performance thus far.
It is increasingly recognised that the NREGA has the potential not only
to generate more employment directly and indirectly, but also to transform
rural economic and social relations at many levels. But there is also
no doubt that this enormous potential is still incipient and requires
to be substantially supported in many different ways. This is because
the way that the NREGA has been framed, and the desired mode of implementation,
amount to no less than asking for a social and political revolution.
The programme reverses the way the Indian state has traditionally dealt
with the citizenry, and envisages a complete change in the manner of
interaction of the state, the local power elites and the local working
classes in rural India.
Thus, the NREGA is completely different in conception from earlier government
employment schemes that tended to be in the form of paternalistic provision,
since it treats employment as a right and the programme is intended
to be demand-driven. Furthermore, the Act and Guidelines anticipate
very substantial participation of the local people in the planning and
monitoring of the specific schemes, to a degree which has not been at
all common.
The very notion of employment as a right of citizens (even if it is
limited to 100 days per household in the Act); of the obligation of
the government to meet the demand for work within a specified time period,
and to have developed a shelf of public works that can be drawn upon
to meet this demand; of the panchayat participation in planning and
monitoring; and the provision for social audit, are all very new concepts.
For this to work, it requires, at the minimum, two things: the ability
and willingness of local government and panchayats to plan works and
run the programme effectively; and the dissemination about the programme
and its guidelines to local people who can make use of it to register,
demand work and run social audits.
Obviously, all this will take time to permeate down to the local levels.
So to start with, an uneven record of implementation is only to be expected.
So is the presence of a large number of problems that require correction.
There are bound to be difficulties and time lags in making local officials
and others responsive to this very different approach.
And of course, both this different rights-based approach and the implications
of the programme in improving the bargaining power of rural workers
would necessarily challenge the prevailing power structures, in some
cases quite substantially. Therefore attempts to oppose or subvert the
correct and full implementation of the scheme in rural areas are only
to be expected.
It is increasingly clear that effective implementation of the NREGS
requires at least the following conditions:
The capacity (including technical and administrative capacity) and
willingness of local government and panchayats to plan works and
run the programme effectively.
Dissemination about the programme and its guidelines to local people
who can make use of it to register and demand work
to create ability to run social audits without fear of repression.
The willingness of local authorities to respond to problems and
criticisms, and to change their behaviour accordingly, as well as
effective redressal mechanisms for those whose rights have not been
Of course, the programme is still very young, and is only just being
started in many districts. Chart 1 shows that there has been significant
expansion of the official coverage of the NREGS in several states in
the current year, including Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan,
Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh.

as field reports have shown, the mere expansion to more districts often
does not actually mean that the scheme is implemented on the ground,
as the local officialdom may not be prepared to take it on or to fulfil
all the conditions of transparency and accountability that are stated
in the Act.
1 provides a summary of the official evidence on implementation, based
on the data from the NREGA website. It calculates the proportion of
households that have received job cards or employment by estimating
total rural households in each state (dividing the projections of rural
population from the Census of India with the average household size
estimated by the NSSO).
1: Evidence on Implementation
Per cent of households
with job cards |
Per cent of households
that have received some work |
Per cent that received 100 days of employment |
2007-08 |
(till latest month) |
2007-08 |
(till latest month) |
(till latest month) |
Andhra Pradesh |
58.32 |
70.70 |
31.65 |
32.87 |
2.85 |
Bihar |
52.91 |
57.52 |
25.56 |
12.01 |
0.35 |
Chhattisgarh |
83.12 |
92.98 |
66.04 |
34.58 |
7.40 |
Gujarat |
13.63 |
32.51 |
4.58 |
5.50 |
0.18 |
Haryana |
5.35 |
8.46 |
2.35 |
1.51 |
0.25 |
Jharkhand |
69.13 |
73.94 |
39.25 |
19.90 |
1.16 |
Karnataka |
19.50 |
28.55 |
7.04 |
3.62 |
0.30 |
Kerala |
8.45 |
16.34 |
3.27 |
3.23 |
1.05 |
Madhya Pradesh |
78.17 |
119.67 |
46.94 |
35.92 |
9.96 |
Maharashtra |
25.01 |
31.90 |
3.79 |
2.66 |
0.07 |
Orissa |
55.78 |
65.91 |
14.95 |
7.42 |
0.52 |
Punjab |
3.11 |
8.19 |
1.58 |
0.72 |
0.08 |
Rajasthan |
32.53 |
87.01 |
24.61 |
52.70 |
10.33 |
Nadu |
24.98 |
55.84 |
14.02 |
27.48 |
0.87 |
Pradesh |
29.50 |
39.21 |
16.52 |
8.21 |
1.76 |
Bengal |
65.13 |
65.51 |
29.18 |
15.15 |
0.24 |
It is immediately
clear that even based on the official data there are very wide regional
variations in implementation. In fact, there are also big intra-state
variations, across districts and even blocks, which cannot be captured
Table 1 shows, most states have improved on the provision of job cards
in the past two years, and in some states such as Chhattisgarh, Andhra
Pradesh, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Orissa and West Bengal, a majority of
rural households have received job cards. An extreme case is Madhya
Pradesh, where the number of job cards issued exceeds the estimated
number of rural households! However, the northern states of Punjab,
Haryana and to a lesser extent Uttar Pradesh are clearly lagging behind
even in the distribution of job cards.
However, the percentage of households that have received some work under
the scheme is significantly lower. Only in Chhattisgarh in 2007-08 and
in Rajasthan in the current year, has it crossed half of estimated rural
households. In most states the gap between job card distribution and
actual provision of employment remains huge. Even in MP, where more
job cards have been distributed that number of households, only 35 per
cent of rural households actually received some employment under the
scheme. Another surprise is Maharashtra, where the proportion of households
that has received work remains abysmally low despite the state’s earlier
experience of employment guarantee scheme.
This has been possible despite the provisions of the Act, because most
states collapsed the distinction between demanding and receiving work,
which is a major aspect designed to ensure the accountability of government.
As Table 2 shows, the gap between the number of households that demanded
work and those that received it is very small, often zero, suggesting
that either workers are not made aware that they need to separately
demand work or that states and local authorities are simply allowing
workers to fill in their demand for work when the work is already being
provided. This is a major lacuna that needs to be addressed.
2: Demand For Work and Provison of Work
2007-08 |
2008-09 (till latest month) |
Households that demanded work |
Households that received work |
Shortfall |
Households that demanded work |
Households that received work |
Shortfall |
Andhra Pradesh |
4803892 |
4803892 |
0 |
5041648 |
5041648 |
0 |
Bihar |
3975545 |
3859630 |
115915 |
1936239 |
1843390 |
92849 |
Chhattisgarh |
2297042 |
2284963 |
12079 |
1228045 |
1210200 |
17845 |
Gujarat |
290691 |
290691 |
0 |
368359 |
353359 |
15000 |
Haryana |
70869 |
70869 |
0 |
46433 |
46080 |
353 |
Jharkhand |
1679978 |
1679868 |
110 |
863756 |
863454 |
302 |
Karnataka |
554002 |
549994 |
4008 |
687113 |
284890 |
402223 |
Kerala |
259275 |
185392 |
73883 |
189106 |
184817 |
4289 |
Madhya Pradesh |
4347079 |
4346916 |
163 |
3388456 |
3383754 |
4702 |
Maharashtra |
474695 |
474695 |
0 |
335918 |
335639 |
279 |
Orissa |
1138432 |
1100497 |
37935 |
579130 |
546105 |
33025 |
Punjab |
49690 |
49690 |
0 |
29188 |
22676 |
6512 |
Rajasthan |
2173122 |
2170460 |
2662 |
4742390 |
4732561 |
9829 |
Nadu |
1234818 |
1234818 |
0 |
2391103 |
2391103 |
0 |
Pradesh |
4104283 |
4096408 |
7875 |
2115548 |
2070578 |
44970 |
Bengal |
3919996 |
3843335 |
76661 |
2033171 |
2016868 |
16303 |
this and several other gaps, there is already some evidence of success.
Field reports suggest that there has been some improvement in consumption
of the poor, reduction of distress migration and slight increases in
lean season wage rates (especially for women) in the areas where the
programme has functioned successfully.
the NREGS has led to the disproportionate involvement of women workers,
far above expectation. As Chart 2 shows, in Kerala women account for
as much as 85 per cent of the total employment under the scheme. This
proportion is also high in the other southern states and in Rajasthan.
While the other southern states have had high rural work force participation
of women already, Kerala and Rajasthan had had very low rates, so this
greater involvement of women in the NREGS must also be leading to social

Charts 3 and 4 show significantly higher participation of SCs and STs
than their shares of rural population in many states. While this may reflect
the fact that they are also more likely to be represented among rural
workers, even so it is a sign that the NREGS has succeeeded in targeting
the more socially disadvantaged sections.

these successes have to be sustained, replicated and expanded. And in
other areas the weaknesses of the programme that have been identified
by many observers have to be addressed, including through local mobilisation.
But this cannot happen overnight - it is necessarily a long process.
The important thing is to create a socio-political momentum whereby
the programme will actually work as intended across the country.