to official statistics, China continued to grow at a scorching 10.2 per
cent during the first quarter of 2006, as compared with the corresponding
period of the previous year. India closely followed China's performance,
with GDP growing at an estimated 8.4 per cent during financial year 2005-06.
These figures, while concealing much in terms of the distribution of that
growth, keep alive the fears of the threat from these two Asian giants
to growth in the rest of the world, including the developed countries.
The threat is seen as particularly serious because of indications that
exports are an important source of dynamism in these countries and that
‘knowledge capital” has come to play a crucial role in their export dynamism.
In both countries the ratio of exports of goods and services to GDP has
risen quite sharply in recent years (Chart 1). In 1978, when China's reform
began, that ratio was more or less the same in India and China, at around
6.5 per cent. Since then the figure has risen sharply in China, to touch
34 per cent in 2004, and much more slowly in India to just above 19 per
cent. While much of the expansion in exports in the Chinese case has been
on account of exports of manufactured goods, that in the case of India
has been principally on account of services (Chart 2). Between 1985 and
1995, the ratio of goods exports to GDP rose from around 8 to 18 per cent
in the case of China and from 4 to 9 per cent in the case of India. But
after that, while the figure for China shot up to 26.7 per cent in 2003,
it remained short of 10 per cent in the case of India. Relative to GDP,
it is the growth in services exports that explains India's more moderate
trade success. Add to this the important role of private transfers, or
remittances from non-resident Indians and the relative resilience of the
current account of India's balance of payments in the context of a rising
oil import bill is explained.
Larger exports and/or a higher rate of expansion of exports can stimulate
growth because of positive net exports or a trade surplus that serves
as the demand stimulus and inducement to invest for an individual country.
Even if not recording a large trade surplus, successful engagement in
trade allows a country to dissociate the structure of domestic supplies
from domestic production. This permits using the possibilities of transformation
through trade to ensure availability of adequate quantities of commodities
crucial to growth. Export revenues may be crucial in financing imports
of specific commodities that are essential for consumption without running
into balance of payments difficulties. Typical examples of such commodities
are food, machinery and oil.
At the aggregate level, of course, it is only China that appears truly
mercantilist, exporting more than it imports and accumulating wealth in
the form of foreign reserves. In the year to March 2006, China recorded
a trade balance of $108 billion and a current account balance of $161
billion, taking its gold and foreign reserves to a record $875 billion.
On the other hand, India recorded a trade deficit of close to $40 billion
and a current account deficit of $13.3 billion. However, capital flows,
especially portfolio capital flows into India's debt and equity markets
helped it keep reserves at $145 billion. In sum, the role of net exports
as a trigger for growth appears to be true for China, but not so for India.
But if current transfers into India, consisting largely of remittances
from Indian workers abroad are treated as a form of services income, than
the deficit on India's balance of trade reduces substantially.

rapid expansion of exports has been accompanied by high rates of growth
of GDP, improving the presence of these two countries in the global
economy. Measured in terms of prices prevailing in 2000, China's share
of world exports of goods and services was 5.8 per cent in 2003 (up
from 1.4 per cent in 1978), and though India's share was just 1 per
cent it was up from 0.4 per cent in 1978. In terms of constant price
GDP, China accounted for 4.6 per cent of global GDP in 2003 and India
for 1.6 per cent, both up from 0.9 per cent in 1978. A figure of relevance
here is the relative size of GDP in these countries, measured in terms
of purchasing power parity (PPP) dollars, which is an indicator of the
buying power of the Indian and Chinese populations. Measured in those
terms, China accounts for 13 per cent of global GDP in 2003 and India
for 6 per cent. This compares with 2.9 and 3.6 per cent respectively
in 1978. Thus the rest of the world is benefiting from a growing market
in these countries.

role of trade in facilitating growth in the countries, explains in large
part the perception that they threaten global growth, including that
in the OECD countries. To boot, while China seems to be emerging as
the manufacturing hub of the world, India is proving to be the global
services hub. And each of these countries has an eye on the terrain
occupied by the other. In the circumstance, evidence such as China's
large trade surplus with the US only strengthens perceptions of a major
economic threat.
1: India and China Relative to the World (Percentage Shares) |
1978 |
1985 |
1995 |
2000 |
2003 |
of goods and services (Constant 2000 US$)
China |
1.4 |
1.9 |
2.6 |
3.5 |
5.8 |
India |
0.4 |
0.4 |
0.7 |
0.8 |
(Constant 2000 US$)
China |
0.9 |
1.5 |
2.9 |
3.8 |
4.6 |
India |
0.9 |
1 |
1.3 |
1.4 |
PPP (Constant 2000 international $)
China |
2.9 |
4.5 |
8.8 |
11 |
12.9 |
India |
3.6 |
3.8 |
4.9 |
5.4 |
addition, there are reasons to believe that the success of these countries
stems from their ability to exploit the opportunities created by the
new knowledge economy. Manufacturing areas that the World Bank defines
as hi-tech account for a significant share of China's exports. As Chart
3 shows, hi-tech exports from China exceed those from all countries
except the USA, including Germany and Japan. Similarly in the case of
India, software services, identified as hi-tech services account for
a significant share of services exports. IT services exports are estimated
at around $16 billion currently. What is more, in terms of indicators
of technological competitiveness reported by the National Science Foundation
of the USA, China and India rank well, when compared to some European
countries and many developing countries.

it is necessary to differentiate between knowledge in the production
of goods and services and knowledge for the production of goods and
services. While knowledge is being applied in production in these countries,
the US still monopolises the control over knowledge. This comes through
from evidence of various kinds.
To start with, even relative to their own GDP, China and India lag far
behind the developed countries in terms of R&D expenditure. While
the figure is close to 3 per cent in the case of Japan and the United
States, and between 2 and 2.5 per cent in France and Germany, it stands
at 1 per cent or lower in China and India (Chart 4). According to the
UNCTAD's World Investment Report 2005, individual firms such as Ford,
Pfizer, DaimlerChrysler, Siemens, Toyota and General Motors each spent
more than $5 billion on R&D in 2003. In comparison, among the developing
economies, total R&D spending exceeded $5 billion only in Brazil,
China, the Republic of Korea and Taiwan Province of China.
Licensing the use of this knowledge ensures significant revenues to
firms from the USA, far exceeding that received by other countries (Chart
5). What is noteworthy is that both receipts and payments of royalties
in the case of the US are in transactions with affiliated firms. That
is, the US is reaping the benefits of its control over knowledge through
transactions conducted with affiliates abroad (Table 2).

It is for this reason that we need to examine the role of foreign firms
in the export performance of India and China. According to George Gilboy
(Foreign Affairs, July/August 2004), foreign-funded enterprises (FFEs)
accounted for 55 per cent of China's exports in 2003. This dominance
increases in the case of hi-tech exports. The share of FFEs in exports
of industrial machinery, which stood at $83 billion in 2003, increased
from 35 percent to 79 percent over a decade. While exports of computer
equipment rose from $716 million in 1993 to $41 billion in 2003, the
FFEs' share rose from 74 percent to 92 percent. Similarly, the share
of FFEs in China's electronics and telecom exports ($89 billion in 2003),
rose from 45 percent to 74 percent.
The situation appears to be similar in the case of IT services exports
from India. According to NASSCOM, offshore operations of global IT majors
accounted for 10-15 per cent of IT services and BPO exports and captive
BPO units accounted for 50 per cent of BPO exports. Further, MNC-owned
captive units have been scaling up their operations steadily with the
headcount forecast to grow by at least 30 per cent this year.
2: U.S. receipts and payments of royalties and fees
(Millions of U.S. dollars)
Receipts |
Payments |
Affiliated |
1995 |
2003 |
National Science Foundation, Science and Engineering Indicators
Thus, foreign firms with control over knowledge appear to be exploiting
the availability of skilled and educated labour in these countries.
What is more, there is evidence that the best talent is being used to
strengthen control over knowledge. According to the National Science
Foundation, out of the approximately 280,000 foreign graduate students
enrolled in US universities, 63,013 were from India and 50,796 from
China. Further, out of the 37,608 non-US citizen who received doctoral
degrees in 2002-03, 10,089 were from China and 3,238 from India. Two
thirds of these students had definite plans to stay back in the US and
another 20-25 per cent was considering the possibility of staying back.
The US has become a destination for some of the best talent from these
two countries.
Finally, even to the extent that talent remains in the developing countries,
there are signs that through a process of internationalisation of R&D
operations, transnational firms are exploiting that talent to retain
control over knowledge. According to the UNCTAD's World Investment Report
2005, transnational corporations (TNCs) account for at least 70 per
cent of global business R&D. In 2002, the top 700 R&D spenders
reported R&D expenditures of more than $300 billion. A rising share
of these companies' R&D expenditures are undertaken in developing
countries. Between 1994 and 2002, the developing-country share of all
overseas R&D by US TNCs increased from 7.5 per cent to 13 per cent.
As of now, more than half of the world's top R&D spenders conduct
R&D activities in developing countries.
In India, leading firms like Intel, Microsoft and Adobe have R&D
operations within the country. In China too, the trend is clearly visible.
According to the Wall Street Journal, almost all the global giants in
automobile, telecommunications technology, computer, software, machinery,
electronics, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and other major industries
have made R&D investments in China. These companies include General
Electric (GE), General Motors, P&G, Unilever, Microsoft, Intel,
IBM, Motorola, Siemens, Ericsson, Nortel, AT&T, Lucent Bell and
All these developments suggest that even while China and India are important
bases for knowledge-based production of exportable goods and sources,
important beneficiaries of this development are transnationals from
the developed countries, even if not the mass of the workers in these
countries who fear job losses. This implies that as yet countries like
India and China are locations that serve as instruments of battle for
transnational firms. The war among the latter results in strategies
that may be threatening extant or future employment in the developed
countries. But when faced with that prospect it is not India and China
that need to be feared by developed country citizens, but their-own
home-grown transnationals who have taken wing.