recent weeks, economic attention has been focused on the rupee, which
has registered a sharp fall in its value relative to the dollar. On
one occasion the rupee's value in intra-day trading even fell below
the psychological benchmark of Rs. 46 to the dollar. In the event, the
RBI, which till recently had been lauded for it efficient management
of India's balance of payments, appears to have suffered a loss in popularity.
This is not so much because of the depreciation of the rupee itself,
but because of the manner in which the RBI responded to that depreciation.
Industrialists and exporters are sore about the manner in which the
Reserve Bank of India has dealt
with the recent slide in the rupee's
To start with,
in July, the RBI responded to the beginnings of the rupee's slide by
reversing its agenda of easing money supply and reducing interest rates
by periodically reducing both the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) applicable
to the banking system, and the Bank Rate, or the rate at which the central
bank provides credit to the banking system. The most recent set of such
reductions was announced on April 1, 2000. Four months later, the Bank
Rate which had been brought down in six instalments from 11 per cent
in January 1998 to 7 per cent as recently as April 2000 was, on 21 July,
hiked by one percentage point to 8 per cent. The CRR too was raised
by half a percentage point to 8.5 per cent. The RBI had decided to stabilise
the rupee by choking off credit and rendering it more expensive.
Underlying that
move was the perception that easy access to liquidity at low interest
rates was encouraging agents eligible to trade in foreign exchange markets
to book profits through arbitrage. So long as the expected slide in
the rupee vis-a-vis the dollar exceeded the cost of acquiring and using
rupee debt to purchase dollars, it paid to borrow rupee funds and invest
them in dollars for speculative purposes. In the belief that such speculation
played a role in the rupee's sudden depreciation, the RBI chose to mop
up some of the liquidity in the system and render credit more expensive.
When this action
failed to halt the rupee's slide, the RBI decided to force exporters
to convert into rupees a substantial part of their dollar holdings under
the Exchange Earners' Foreign Currency (EEFC) Account scheme introduced
in 1992. That scheme allowed exporters to hold a portion of their exchange
earnings in foreign currency accounts. Since exporters were eligible
to avail credit against such holdings to meet current expenses, holding
on to dollar revenues in the form of long term deposits was not much
a problem. What is more, to the extent that the rupee depreciated, increasing
the rupee value of these dollar holdings, the exporters garnered a higher
rupee return. Thus, the scheme, which was meant to facilitate easy access
to foreign exchange by exporters, became a means to maximise returns
by speculating on the likely depreciation of the rupee. Having discovered
that at the time of the rupee's slide exporters were holding dollar
deposits amounting to $2 billion, the RBI decided to reduce the ceiling
up to which such deposits could be held by 50 per cent, with an August
23 deadline for conversion, which triggered a conversion rush that stabilised
and even pushed up the value of the rupee. However, after the deadline,
by which date $850 million had reportedly been converted, the rupee
once resumed its downward slide, nearing the Rs. 46-to-the-dollar mark.
These manoeuvres
of the central bank were surprising to many because the rupee's depreciation
itself was not too substantial, especially given the perception that
currencies of India's competitors have, since the Southeast Asian crisis,
fallen far more vis-a-vis the dollar. The initiatives have also not
been received well. The decision to hike interest rates, coming in the
midst of signs that industrial growth is once again slowing has been
criticised by industry associations and individual captains of industry.
And exporters are sore about the curtailment of the EEFC account benefit
available to them. Rumour has it that sections of the bureaucracy which
are keen to dispel the impression that the growth rates of output and
exports during the years of reform have been low and volatile, and are
therefore in favour of a further lowering of interest rates and a depreciation
of the rupee so as to stimulate industrial growth and exports respectively,
are uncomfortable with the increasingly independent central bank chief.
But is the RBI
really autonomous? And has monetary policy acquired a role which it
did not have before the reform? In theory central bank autonomy is seen
as the end result of the process of rendering central bank operations
relatively independent of the fiscal decisions of the government, so
that the RBI could adopt an effective monetary policy. Till the early
1990s a major way in which the deficit in the budget of the central
government was financed was through the issue of ad hoc Treasury
Bills, which provided the government access to funds at a relatively
low interest rate. Once the volume of open market borrowing by the government
was decided upon, the remaining gap in the budget was automatically
monetised through the issue of ad hocs, as they were called,
which the RBI was expected to compulsorily finance.
This obviously
reduced the central bank's control over money supply. Fiscal decisions
that increased the central bank's credit to the government, also increased
the high powered money base in the system, leading to an increase in
money supply. Since the prevailing monetarism believed that money supply
trends were responsible for inflationary conditions, the central bank's
pursuit of what was seen as its primary objective, viz. price stability,
was seen as having been eroded. Restoring a role for monetary policy
was predicated on curbing the ability of the government to finance its
deficits through issue of ad hoc Treasury Bills. In pursuit of
that goal, the government entered into an agreement with the central
bank to put an annual ceiling on the issue of Treasury Bills, to reduce
that ceiling over time, and finally to do away with the practice of
monetising the deficit through the issue of ad hocs. That agreement
has been successfully implemented, leading to a sharp fall in the monetised
deficit and ostensibly increasing the autonomy of the RBI and enhancing
the tole of monetary policy.
The whittling
down of the monetised deficit does seem to have increased the confidence
of India's central bank, judging by the tone of the Reserve Bank of
India's Annual Report for 1999-2000. If the Report is to be believed,
monetary policy during 1999-2000 was driven by the need to ensure that
"all legitimate requirements for credit were met while guarding
against the any emergence of inflationary pressures." With industrial
growth having picked up from less than 4 per cent in 1998-99 to more
than 8 per cent in 1999-2000 (Chart 1), private demand for credit must
have been on the rise. Yet broad money growth stood at just "13.9
per cent, which was substantially below the long-run average of a little
over 17.0 per cent."

This lower growth
had occurred despite the fact that with the average rate of inflation
at a decadal low (Chart 2), there was no immediate threat of an inflationary
upsurge. What is more, demand supply imbalances, which could be worsened
by an easy liquidity situation, do not seem to have been responsible
even for the low rate of price increase recorded. As Chart 3 shows,
primary commodities, whose prices are driven by such imbalances contributed
little to the oserved inflation rate. Much of the increase was due to
administered price increases (Chart 4), which pushed up prices in the
Fuel and Manufactured Products groups.
In rhetoric, the
context of low inflation is seen to have provided the RBI with the opportunity
of focusing its attention on growth. Some stimulus for growth seemed
necessitated by the fact that one of the major stimuli for growth prior
to reform, namely the expansionary influence of deficit-financed government
spending, had been substantially dampened as a result of reform. This
occurred in two ways. First, through a curtailment of the fiscal deficit.
As Chart 6 shows, the average fiscal deficit-to-GDP ratio, which stood
at 7.2 per cent during the 1980s and was brought down marginally to
6.7 per cent during the first half of the 1990s has come down further
to 5.6 per cent during the second half of the 1990s. Second, associated
with a lower fiscal deficit has been a lower tax-GDP ratio, resulting
from the fact that while indirect tax collections, especially customs
duty collections, have fallen as a result of reform-driven tariff reductions,
direct tax collections have not risen enough to neutralise this fall.
As a result, a given level of the fiscal deficit-to-GDP ratio does not
imply a similar expansionary stimulus prior to and after reform, because
post-reform figures are associated with lower revenues and expenditures
relative to GDP. The net impact has been that during the 1990s, industrial
growth has been indifferent in most years.

This fact of indifferent
industrial performance did influence the conduct of the now autonomous
central bank. In the initial years of liberalisation, the battle against
inflation was the RBI's principal concern. But this battle was soon
won without much effort. After the initial period of monetary stringency
that accompanied IMF-style adjustment, the RBI itself was hard put to
curb money supply growth which its monetarist faith suggested was the
key to reducing inflation. In fact, as Chart 5 shows, broad money grew
by over 19 per cent a year during the first half of the 1990s. This
was partly because, even while a fall in credit to the government limited
the rise in the central bank's assets, the inflow of dollars into India's
liberalised financial markets was forcing the RBI to demand and buy
dollars in order to prevent an appreciation of the increasingly market-determined
value of the rupee. As Chart 8 shows capital inflows rose sharply to
more than $.8.5 billion in 1993-94 and 1994-95. This rise was clearly
on account of large inflows of portfolio investments (Table 1), in response
to which the RBI had to purchase dollars to prevent an appreciation
of the rupee. In the event, the foreign currency assets of the central
bank tended to rise, increasing the high-powered money base and therefore
the level of money supply. But this did not defeat the RBI's drive to
keep inflation under control, since the liberalisation of imports in
the context of a decline in inflation worldwide and the reduction in
the expansionary stimulus provided by government spending was in itself
contributing to a dampening of inflation.

With inflation
proving to be less of a problem, the RBI shifted the focus of its policy
to growth. Since financial reform required a further curtailment of
an expansionary stimulus provided by government spending, the only instrument
that seemed to be available to spur industrial growth was a reduction
in interest rates. However, nominal interest rates in the system had
reached extremely high levels in the wake of reform. And this high rate
of interest persisted even as access to liquidity in the system was
eased as a result of the rising foreign currency reserves. There was
one obvious reason why interest rates were sticky downwards. This was
the high floor that risk free government bonds provided to the structure
of interest rates. With the government deprived of access to cheap funds
from the mint as a result of the curb on the issue of ad hoc
Treasury Bills, it had to finance its persisting fiscal deficits by
borrowing from the open market at market-determined rates. Once the
banks had met their statutorily required investment levels in government
securities, government bonds could be placed in the market only if the
interest rates on such investment offered a good enough spread to the
banks relative to the deposit rates paid by them. Given the relative
high interest rates that depositors could obtain from other investments
in other savings instruments like National Savings Certificates and
Provident Funds and in more risky holdings of equity, deposit rates
had to be kept relatively high to attract funds into the banking system.
This meant that the interest rates offered on government bonds had to
remain high as well. Since these were virtually risk-free investments,
carrying as they do a sovereign guarantee, these relatively high interest
rates on government bonds defined the floor to the structure of interest
rates which at one time stretched to maximum levels of well above 20
per cent.
Faced with this
situation and given its resolve to bring down interest rates, the RBI
moved in four directions. First, it relaxed controls on interest rates
on deposits, giving banks the flexibility to reduce them on longer term
deposits and raise them on short-term deposits, so as to reduce their
average interest costs without curbing deposit growth. Second, it substantially
enhanced liquidity in the system by systematically bringing down the
cash reserve ratio and releasing funds to be provided as credit by the
banks. Third, it reduced by as much as 4 percentage points the Bank
Rate, which is the rate at which banks can obtain finance from the central
bank and therefore serves as an indicative rate for the market for funds.
And finally, it colluded with the government in its effort to bring
down the rate of interest on small savings instruments and provident
funds, so as to encourage households investments in market instruments
as well as to reduce the interest burden of the government which is
the principal borrower of funds invested through those channels.
This combination
of initiatives has indeed been successful in bringing down interest
rates, making the now autonomous central bank appear doubly successful.
It could claim success in dampening inflation and it could be satisfied
with the results of its joint effort with the government to bring down
interest rates. However, the objective behind the drive to reduce interest
rates, namely, that of stimulating industrial growth remains unrealised.
After a temporary reprieve during 1999-2000, the industrial sector is
back to the sluggish performance recorded since 1997-98. And even during
1999-2000, the recovery in growth does not seem to have stimulated investment.
It is this factor which possibly explains the slower growth of commercial
credit and money supply during that year. The reason industrial sluggishness
is, of course, the lack of any expansionary stimulus. While government
expenditure net of interest payments is down relative to GDP, exports
which were to provide the new engine of growth in the wake of reform
have remained at disappointing levels.
The point to note
is that the lack of any fiscal stimulus is in large part the result
of the effort to give the central bank greater independence. This, as
discussed earlier, has required not just a curb on the fiscal deficit,
but also the abolishment of the practice of financing it with low interest
ad hoc Treasury Bills. Thus the curb on the deficit, during a
period of shrinking revenues, has been accompanied by a rise in the
interest burden on the government's budget. Not surprisingly, the role
of government expenditure as a stimulus to industrial growth has been
substantially eroded. What is appalling is that this has occurred at
a time when the combination of burgeoning foodstocks that are proving
to be an embarrassment, large foreign exchange reserves, low inflation
and high unutilised capacity in industry, makes an obvious case for
a major fiscal stimulus aimed at raising output and employment without
stoking inflation. But that opportunity has been lost by the adherence
to an orthodox monetary and fiscal policy regime that emphasises central
bank autonomy.
What is more,
even autonomy has proved to be limited, because of the role of volatile
capital flows into the economy. As mentioned earlier, one area in which
the RBI has been forced to be active in the wake of reform is the liberalised
foreign exchange market. The supply and demand for dollars in that market
does influence the level of the exchange rate. However, in the wake
of financial reform the supply of dollars is no more determined by the
inflow of foreign exchange due to current account transactions such
as exports and remittances. Rather, inflows on the capital account in
the form of private debt and foreign direct and portfolio investment,
are a major determinant of supply at the margin.
Such inflows have
increased significantly in the wake of the financial reform of the 1990s.
But such increased inflows have not been matched by the demand for dollars
from a not-too-buoyant economy. In the event, an excess supply of foreign
exchange in the market has tended to push up the value of the rupee
at a time when India has consistently recorded a deficit on its current
account. To combat this, the central bank has had to regularly demand
and purchase dollars, resulting in a substantial rise in the foreign
currency assets of the central bank. Such a rise as we have mentioned
earlier, by contributing to money supply increases, limits the autonomy
of the central bank on the monetary policy front.
But that is not
all. The volatility in foreign capital flows tends to further limit
the manoeuvrability of the central bank even further. Consider for example
the year 1999-2000, which was one in which foreign capital inflows into
the country, having fallen from $12 billion in 1996-97 to $9.8 bilion
in 1997-98 to $8.6 billion in 1998-999, rose once again to touch $10.2
billion (Chart 8). This should have strengthened the rupee. It did not
because the RBI, as in the past, stepped in to buy dollars, increase
the demand for that currency and stabilise its value vis-à-vis
the rupee. Net purchases of foreign currency from the market by the
Reserve Bank of India amounted to $3.25 billion between end-March 1999
and end-March 2000. These purchases resulted, among other things, in
an increase in the foreign currency assets of the central bank from
$29.5 billion at the end of 1998-99 to $35.1 billion at the end of 1999-2000.
Most of these purchases occurred between end-September 1999 and end-February
2000 (Chart 7). The large demand for dollars that this intervention
by the RBI in foreign exchange markets resulted in, helped keep the
rupee relatively stable during financial year 1999-2000. However, that
stability concealed a new source of vulnerability. As Chart 9 indicates,
the share of stable capital flows (or flows other than portfolio investments,
short-term debt and NRI deposits), which had risen to account for almost
90 per cent of all flows by 1998/99, fell to 46 per cent of the total
in 1999-2000.
This vulnerability partly explains why things have changed suddenly
this financial year. Thus over the first three months of 2000-01, for
which we have information, while exports have staged a recovery, imports
have grown even faster, resulting in an increase in the trade deficit
relative to the corresponding period of the previous year. But what
has been an even more depressing influence on the rupee are signs that
portfolio investments have turned negative, and rapidly so. Net FII
investments, which in April stood at $617 million, fell to $111 million
in May, and turned negative as of June, with outflows estimated at $218
million in June and around $300 million in July.
Clearly, institutional investors are cashing in a part of their past
investments and diverting funds to other markets. According to market
sources, the strengthening of interest rates in the US and the recovery
of markets elsewhere in Asia have encouraged a shift of FII focus away
from India. The point is that this consequence of developments elsewhere
has had a dampening effect on the value of the rupee, which is now perceived
as being "overvalued".
This should not have mattered much, especially given the fact that the
rupee has appreciated vis-a-vis a range of currencies other than the
dollar. However, given the liberalised nature of financial markets,
any perception that a currency is overvalued and that it is headed downwards
sets off speculation in the currency. And once such speculative activity
is triggered, speculative expectations tend to realise themselves leading
to a downward spiral in the currency's value. The RBI's "knee-jerk"
reaction to the recent slide in the rupee's value suggests that it believed
that some authorised dealers and exporters were acquiring and holding
dollars for speculative purposes, so that an ostensibly warranted and
welcome depreciation of the rupee could soon turn into collapse, with
a host of adverse implications. It is only that perception that can
explain the heavy-handed response of the central bank in the form of
a squeeze in liquidity, hike in interest rates and a cap on dollar holdings
in EEFC accounts.
Whatever the sequence of events that led up to that perception, it is
clear that the whimsical behaviour of foreign investors and speculative
activity in India's liberalised foreign exchange markets has forced
the RBI to divert from its well planned monetary policy thrust aimed
at stimulating growth. This substantially erodes the validity of the
view that reform has rendered the central bank more autonomous and monetary
policy more effective. Despite the accumulation of foreign currency
assets in the hands of the RBI, it has found itself in a situation where
it has had to make changes to the Bank Rate, the CRR and the ease of
access to foreign exchange, in order to counter speculation in the market
for foreign exchange. And yet, the evidence of success of the effort
at stabilising the rupee is still ambiguous.