Despite the relatively
poor growth record of the era of corporate globalisation, there are many
who continue to believe that corporate globalisation and greater
liberalisation of economic policies do deliver higher investment and more
economic growth, even if there are other less benign effects - such as
greater inequality or inadequate "social sector" expenditure – which then
need to be separately addressed.
But in fact there is little evidence to indicate that the elements of the
neoliberal economic policy model actually work to deliver faster economic
growth. A good example of this – in fact, almost a laboratory test case –
is the region of Latin America, in which the majority of national
governments have been implementing this particular economic model with
some force, since the early 1980s.
The latest annual report from UNCTAD, the
Trade and Development
Report 2003,
contains a detailed discussion of the Latin American experience with
marketist reforms, and the effects on investment, growth, productivity and
employment. The results are quite damning for the neoliberal paradigm, and
call for a major rethinking of the entire strategy of development which
has been so comprehensively adopted on that continent.
In the 1960s and early 1970s, East Asia and Latin America grew at
approximately the same rate, and the five largest countries in Latin
America had per capita incomes that were above those of the first tier
NICS (Newly Industrialising Countries – South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and
Hong Kong). Subsequently the pattern has been very different.
In the 1970s the large Latin American economies grew rapidly on the basis
of high accumulation rates financed by external borrowing, a process which
culminated in the debt crisis of 1982. Thereafter, there has not only been
slower growth but much greater volatility of economic activity in the
From the point of view of policy orientation, the debt crisis of the early
1980s brought in a prolonged phase of very extensive market-based reforms,
which were urged on and supported by, and usually even enforced by, the
international financial institutions. Across the region, there were
sweeping changes in trade and industrial policy aimed at removing
protection to domestic producers and reducing what were seen as price
There were reductions in rates of public investment, and continuous and
comprehensive privatisation of major state assets, in the major economies
of the region. There were cuts in explicit and implicit subsidies to
domestic producers and consumers, which also reduced the access of poorer
groups to public goods and services. There were attempts to reduce the
power of organised labour, through a combination of legislation and the
pressure of greater unemployment, in order to make labour markets more
These changes in economic strategy actually went further, and were more
comprehensive, than in any other region of the developing world. In most
of the economies, the change from the earlier import-substituting
industrialisation strategy became most pronounced in the aftermath of the
debt crisis of the early 1980s, although there were some beginnings in the
In Chile, the shift to the neoliberal policy paradigm started much
earlier, with the Pinochet dictatorship of the early 1970s, and the
subsequent decades in Chile actually witnessed a slight modification of
that very extreme form of marketist approach, with greater role for
government intervention. Chile is an outlier in the Latin American case in
some important ways, but certainly shares some of the more significant
structural characteristics with other large economies of the region.
The explicit aim of the neoliberal policy package was, in the first
instance, to stabilise the economies by controlling inflation and reducing
macroeconomic imbalances. But the more significant medium term purpose was
to remove the constraints to growth, increase productive capacity and
external trade performance, and therefore reduce both the periodic balance
of payments crises and boom-bust cycles of growth. However, the experience
suggests that none of these aims has been even partially achieved in most
countries of the region.
Chart 1 provides evidence of growth rates in the 1990s in the major
regions of the developing world. Latina American growth is seen to be
definitely less rapid than that of Asia, although superior to that in
Africa. However, bear in mind that these average rates of growth in
Latin America came after the "lost decade" of the 1980s, which
experienced very sharp falls in per capita incomes and in wage incomes in
particular. In other words, the growth was from a relatively low base of
economic stagnation or decline in the earlier period.

Chart 2
indicates the situation in the more recent period for the four largest
economies, Argentina,
Brazil, Chile and Mexico. It is clear that even in the latest period,
growth has been generally low and highly volatile, even in the so-called
"success stories" such as Chile.

At one level the lower rates of growth in the Latin American region are
not surprising, because the region also experienced a fairly substantial
drop in investment rates (as share of GDP), among the highest in the
developing world. Chart 3 indicates that the comparison with
Asia can be instructive in this regard: not only have
investment rates in
Asia been high, but they have been increasing continuously over the long
period from the 1970s to now.

In Latin
America, by contrast, there is clear evidence of a trend decline in
investment rates, from an average of 25 per cent in the 1970s to only
around 20 per cent or less in the recent past. The decline has been most
marked in Argentina, but even countries like Mexico which are supposed to
have benefited from the effects of closer trade integration with the US
through NAFTA, have shown low investment rates. Only Chile (where, as we
have already argued, the transition to the neoliberal economic regime
occurred already in the early 1970s) have investment rates increased over
this period, after initially falling.
This trend of declining investment rates was of course contrary to the
neoliberal expectation, that the removal of domestic prices distortions
and the freeing of market forces would improve the investment climate and
generate rapid increases in private investment. What happened in reality
was that there was a continuous decline in public investment, which in
turn meant that there were less virtuous linkage effects to encourage more
private investment, and so total investment rates declined.
In most countries in the region, aggregate investment rates in the 1990s
and after have fallen below the threshold level of 20 per cent of GDP. The
Trade and Development Report 2003
also argues that there has also been a broad
tendency for a shift in the composition of investment towards less
productive activities such as residential house construction, and away
from investment in machinery and equipment, in many countries of the
the past two decades in Latin America have also been a period of "deindustrialisation",
as declining shares of investment and manufacturing valued added in GDP as
well as manufacturing employment in total employment have been coterminous
with stagnant or falling share of manufactures in total exports. This was
the same period in which the much more interventionist policy regimes in
East Asia were contributing to a significant expansion in manufacturing
activity from that part of the world.
The difference is clearly apparent in Chart 4. The share of manufacturing
in gross domestic product in
Asia has been rising, and is currently well above 30 per cent. By contrast,
Latin America
experienced fairly continuous declines in this share, and by 2000 this
share had fallen been below that in advanced industrial countries. The
point is that the process of deindustrialisation, or reduction in
manufacturing shares in GDP and employment, began in
Latin America at much lower levels of per capita income than the
equivalent and earlier process in the now developed countries. Chart 5
shows how the process has been rapid in the recent decade for at least the
three largest countries in the region.

In Chart 6 the
employment share of manufacturing is described, with developed countries
experiencing a clear decline and
Asia exhibiting an increase. In
Latin America, the
share of manufacturing in total employment rose (although less
significantly than in Asia) until 1990, and then declined to less than 15
per cent of the workforce on average.

Nor did the neoliberal strategy operate to improve aggregate labour
productivity in these economies. In most countries of
Latin America,
overall productivity in manufacturing actually declined or remained
stagnant during the 1990s. In some enclave sectors where labour
productivity increased, this was essentially due to the shedding of labour
adding to unemployment, rather than greater investment and employment
Chart 7 brings out the contrast between
Latin America and
Asia in this respect. The four Asian countries depicted there –
Malaysia, South Koreas and Taiwan China – all indicate very rapid and
continuous increases in labour productivity in manufacturing over the
period 1985-2000. However, the four Latin American economies do not show
this positive tendency. Remarkably, manufacturing labour productivity
declined quite substantially in Argentina, was volatile and fluctuating in
Chile and Mexico, and only seems to have increased, albeit at a gentle
pace, in Brazil.

Of course, at one level this is simply a comment on the difficulties
associated with measuring and capturing changes in productivity. Too
often, the data which actually reflect changes in the state of demand and
capacity utilisation are interpreted to denote changes in productivity
(which in turn reflects technological change). The falling productivity
indicators in Argentina, for example, reflect the worsening macroeconomic
situation over the decade, when output was stagnant or falling because of
restrictive macroeconomic and exchange rate policies.
It is also the case that a more disaggregated analysis reveals that there
are wide differences across sectors even within aggregate manufacturing in
these countries. From Chart 8 it emerges that the sharpest falls in labour
productivity in
have been in food, textiles and electrical machinery sectors, while for
transport machinery the situation may have improved recently.

In Brazil (Chart 9) transport machinery has witnessed large improvements
in labour productivity (which conversely can be interpreted as greater
labour shedding in that sector consequent upon newer more capital
intensive technology). Productivity also appears to have improved
marginally in food products and electrical machinery, and worsened in the
traditional manufacturing export areas of textiles and clothing.

In Chile (Chart 10) in most sectors labour productivity improved by 2000,
although the pattern has been one of fluctuation and may be confused by
the end year results. In Mexico (Chart 11) as in Brazil, labour
productivity has increased mainly in the transport machinery and
electrical machinery sectors, and has declined for other manufacturing

The overall picture seems to be that the weak investment performance in
the region tended to stunt productivity growth and upgradation. As a
result, international competitiveness has been increasingly based on low
wages (which is always an ephemeral advantage at best) rather than on
increases in labour productivity.
This has created peculiar results in terms of the behaviour of unit labour
costs relative to the
which provide some basic idea of the competitiveness of particular sectors
in different countries. Table 1 shows the change in unit labour costs by
sector for the four major Latin American countries and four Asian
countries. It is evident that for the Latin American economies, unit
labour costs relative to those of the US have actually been rising in the
period 1980 to 2000, in most sectors. (Of course, this also depends upon
exchange rate policies and other such factors, rather than labour
productivity alone.) In consequence, unit labour costs were much higher in
Argentina (sometimes nearly double or more than double) compared to the
US. Even in the other countries, the gap between unit labour costs between
these countries and the US was been rapidly narrowed, which meant that the
advantage of cheaper labour may not be available for much longer.
In this context, even the opening up to more foreign direct investment has
not been entirely advantageous. A significant part of the FDI inflows into
the region have been in the form of acquisition of existing assets, often
in non-tradeable infrastructure or service sectors, rather than in
greenfield investment in new projects. Even the greenfield FDI has in
general been concentrated in sectors producing or processing natural
resources, rather than areas with high potential for productivity growth.
Meanwhile aggregate employment in productive sectors has suffered because
of more capital intensity in resource based industries, accompanied by
relative declines in traditional labour-intensive sectors such as textiles
and clothing.
Essentially therefore, the neoliberal strategy has mainly been successful
only in the very limited aim of inflation control. But this has been
achieved at the cost of a much worse record in terms of growth,
employment, poverty reduction, and higher volatility. The important point
is that the strategy failed not only in terms of social and distributive
consequences, but in terms of a much worse performance in investment,
growth and productivity. Not only has the transformation of the productive
structure through higher investment and technological change failed to
materialise, but many of these variables have actually deteriorated in
most of the economies of the region.