trade patterns in India have been characterised by a burgeoning trade
deficit despite very high rates of growth of export, which implies that
import growth in value terms has been even more rapid. Indeed, the past
few years have witnessed the highest rate of growth of imports of any
three year period in the past thirty years.

Chart 1 shows, this is reflected in a dramatically increased trade deficit,
to as much as $27.8 billion by 2004-05, and the early estimates suggest
an even greater increase in the current year. Imports now account for
around 17 per cent of GDP. It is often suggested that the recent increase
in imports reflects higher values of oil imports as international oil
prices have increased. Yet Chart 2 makes it evident that non-oil imports
have also risen very fast, indeed faster than oil imports especially in
the most recent period.

In fact, oil imports as per cent of total imports have fallen from an
average of 40 per cent in the early 1980s to 28 per cent between 2002-03
and 2004-05. The general presumption that high levels of oil import values
are due to high international prices is also misplaced: there has also
been very substantial increase in import volumes in oil, as Chart 3 shows.
Between 1990-91 and 2003-04, both the quantum index and the unit value
index for oil imports increased around threefold, and in fact the increase
in the quantum index was slightly more than in unit values. This suggests
that the Indian economy has tended to become much more dependent upon
oil, both because of increasing energy intensity of some manufacturing
production in particular, as well as because other sources of energy have
not increased relative to requirements.

capital goods have continued to be important among imports, their share
has fallen from 25 per cent of total imports in the period 1987-88 to
1989-90, to 22 per cent in the last three years. Within the broad category
of capital goods, the most significant changes have been the general decline
in the share of project goods imports and the emergence of electronic
goods imports, which currently have the highest share in this category.
The decline of project goods imports in a period of relatively high domestic
investment rates probably reflects the effect of declining tariffs on
all other capital, which has reduced the differential duty advantage that
project goods imports had in the past.

that are officially defined as related to exports, that is which provide
raw material or intermediates for export production only, have fluctuated
between 15 and 19 per cent of total imports, with no clear trend. Most
of these are items such as pearls and stones for the gems and jewellery
industry (which is dominantly export-oriented) as well as certain chemicals,
textiles and fabrics and so on. Of course, this excludes the large range
of other imports that are directly and indirectly used by exporting industries,
just as it assumes that these imports are used only for export production.
However, bearing this official classification in mind, it is possible
to work out the share of such imports to exports in each of these sectors,
as described in Chart 5. This provides a mixed picture. In some categories
such as cashews, the ratio of imports to exports has been increasing and
is now very high at around 80 per cent. Similarly gems and jewellery indicate
a very high such ratio of around 70 per cent on average, although there
does appear to have been a slight decrease from 77 per cent in the period
1987-88 to 1989-90 to 68 per cent in the latest three year period.
In the case of chemicals, imports were greater than exports at the start
of this period and have declined to about 45 per cent of exports in the
latest three year period. Textiles and clothing shows a relatively low
ratio, although it has been rising especially in recent years, and now
imports in this sector account for 12 per cent of the value of exports.

Charts 6 and 7 indicate the movement of quantum and unit value indices
for general manufactured goods imports and imports of machinery and transport
equipment, respectively. The important point to note here is that the
movement of the quantum indices has been much faster and sharper upwards
than that of unit values. Indeed, for both of these sectors, unit values
have been broadly stable between 199-98 and 2003-04, but import volumes
have shot up. In the case of general manufactured goods, import volumes
have increased by more than 80 per cent in the same period, while import
volumes for machinery and transport equipment have increased by more than
100 per cent.

What this suggests is that actual import penetration and displacement
of domestic production is likely to have been much greater than is suggested
by the movement of import values alone. The influx of imports into the
Indian economy has been especially sharp in terms of volumes of manufactured
goods, and is it widely perceived that they have had the most deleterious
competitive impact upon small scale producers. Since small scale industry
is not only more employment intensive but also employs the greater bulk
of manufacturing workers anyway, this must be a major contributor to the
slow growth of employment in manufacturing that has been marked and reiterated
once again in the latest NSS Survey of 2004.
Overall, recent trends in imports point to some areas of concern. First,
the continuing high dependence upon oil imports, reflecting not just price
factors but also even sharper increases in volumes. Second, the increase
in manufacturing imports which are not dominantly for export processing
but essentially replace domestic production. This impact is even greater
than is suggested by share of import values to domestic value added, since
volumes have increased dramatically and much faster than unit values.
So the Indian economy is clearly undergoing a restructuring because of
greater trade openness. The problem is that such restructuring appears
to be associated with a further collapse of employment generation in an
economy that is already characterised by large levels of both open and
disguised unemployment. |