of the first legislative actions of the UPA government was to notify
the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act (henceforth FRBM
Act). This Act was notified on 2 July to come into force on 5 July
2004, only three days before the presentation of the Annual Budget,
thereby circumscribing the entire budgetary exercise from the start
of the new government’s tenure.
FRBM Act is apparently well-intentioned, designed to clean up public
finances and put them on a sustainable footing. Thus, it requires
the reduction of the fiscal deficit and the elimination of the revenue
deficit of the Central Government by 31 March 2008 (the deadline is
to be extended by a year). This would appear to be a way of forcing
the government to adhere to a discipline which would thereby allow
it to spend more on useful capital expenditure.
However, the actual implications of the working of the Act are much
more serious and potentially adverse, than is generally understood.
Some of the requirements of the FRBM Act and the associated rules
mentioned in the notification, are described in Table 1.
The Act requires the Central Government to reduce the fiscal deficit
by 0.3 per cent of GDP each year, and the revenue deficit by 0.5 per
cent each year, beginning with this financial year. If this is not
achieved through higher tax revenues, the necessary adjustment has
to be made by cutting expenditures..
1: Requirements of FRBM |
Rules |
deficit |
for elimination |
(now 31-3 2009) |
annual reduction |
% of GDP |
deficit |
Ceiling |
% of GDP by 31-03-2008 |
annual reduction |
% of GDP
debt |
capped at 9 % of GDP in 2004-05 |
reduction |
% of GDP |
primary market purchases of GOI bonds |
cease on 1-4-2006 |
the Act prohibits the Central Government from borrowing from the
Reserve Bank of India (that is deficit financing, involving the
printing of money) to meet its deficit, except for temporary cash
advances. This effectively rules out a cheap source of borrowing
and forces the government to borrow at much higher rates, for no
evident reason. The RBI is even to be prohibited from making primary
market purchases of government bonds.
But the limitation on borrowing from the RBI, or deficit financing,
is not at all something that can be easily justified. The argument
that deficit financing causes inflation is not just simply wrong.
It is now widely acknowledged across the world to be ridiculous
and completely unwarranted, especially in the financially sophisticated
world we live in. Inflation control does not at all depend upon
controlling the central government’s borrowing directly from the
So this directive does not serve any useful purpose. Instead, it
unnecessarily forces the government to pay much higher interest
on all its debt, instead of allowing for some low interest debt
to the RBI. This raises the interest cost of the government and
thereby the total revenue expenditure, perversely making it harder
to achieve the revenue deficit targets. It is hard to understand
why this portion of the Act has been retained even when earlier
discussion in Parliament pointed to the absurdity of this condition.
Furthermore, as can be seen from Table 1, the FRBM Act and Rules
require a continuous reduction in revenue and fiscal deficits over
the next four years, regardless of the prevailing macroeconomic
circumstances. This insensitivity even to more obvious patterns
such as the business cycle (which typically affects tax revenues
and therefore public deficits) makes the entire legislation excessively
rigid and ties the government’s hands even in terms of responding
to the needs of its citizens.
But the most worrying – and potentially undemocratic – part of the
FRBM Act relates to compliance conditions. The Act states that “whenever
there is a shortfall in revenue or excess of expenditure over the
pre-specified levels….the Central Government shall take appropriate
measures for increasing revenue or for reducing the expenditure
(including curtailing of the sums authorised to be paid and applied
for from and out of the Consolidated Fund of India under any Act
so as to provide for appropriation of such sums).”
The notification spells this out even more clearly: “In case the
outcome of the quarterly review of trend in receipts and expenditure…at
the end of any financial year… shows that
the total non-debt receipts are less than 40 per cent pf the Budget
Estimates for that year; or
the fiscal deficit is higher than 45 per cent of the Budget Estimates
for that year; or
the revenue deficit is higher than 45 per cent of the Budget Estimates
for that year,
the Central Government shall take appropriate corrective measures.”
This means that if any of these conditions holds (which is very
likely in most years) the government will in effect be forced to
cut expenditures even if they are essential for the economy, or
required to enforce its popular mandate or to deliver the socio-economic
rights of the citizens.
This is going to hit home much faster than many people realise.
The Budget 2004-05 contains what are widely recognised to be inflated
and highly optimistic revenue receipt projections. Also, the overwhelming
part of additional resource mobilisation in the budget is backloaded,
to be available only after September. In addition, the truant monsoon
is bound to depress revenues. By September, it is not just likely
but almost inevitable that the actual revenue receipts will fall
short of the Budget estimates by 40 per cent or more.
When that happens, by the Act that the government has just notified,
it will then be required to cut back on expenditure. This means
that even the low and inadequate provisions for employment, education
and other goals listed in the National Common Minimum Programme
will be further cut, and may not even increase at all.
Much of the opposition to the expenditures projected in the Budget
has focussed on the low additional outlays for critical and socially
necessary areas, which has been seen as a betrayal of the people’s
mandate. The total budgeted for these is only Rs. 10,000 crores,
but imagine the situation if even this small additional outlay is
not actually provided, because of the constraint posed by the FRBM
There may be even worse to come. The fearsome combination of heavy
floods and severe drought that is affecting different parts of the
country is bound to involve lower incomes and thus lower tax collections,
as already stated. But it should also require much larger outlays
to provide even the most minimal relief to the affected people who
are spread across India. Even such critical relief and rehabilitation
– including in the form of rural employment and other physical assistance
– may be under threat from the absurdly rigid fiscal discipline
imposed by the Act.
The problems with such fiscal responsibility legislation across
the world are now becoming more and more evident. The Gramm-Rudman-Hollings
legislation in the US, which was the international front runner
in this regard, is now really honoured only in the breach, through
shifting many expenditures of the US federal government to off-budget
heads. In the European Union, the Growth and Stability Pact which
provides similar constraints is coming under severe pressure, and
France and Germany are already seeking ways to make it effectively
meaningless and inapplicable to actual fiscal policy.
However, we in India seem to be blissfully unaware of the potential
problems in store. The Task Force appointed by the earlier government,
on Implementation of the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management
Act (hereafter Kelkar Task Force) has just submitted its report
in late July 2004. This Report is much more optimistic about meeting
the targets defined by the FRBM.
The Report correctly argues that fiscal consolidation should be
revenue-led, rather than requiring cuts in expenditure, and even
suggests that capital expenditure should be enhanced, in order to
balance the contractionary effects of fiscal consolidation. And
some of its suggestions for tax reform, such as widening the tax
base, enhancing the equity of the system, establishing an effective
compliance system, and simplifying the system by removing rebates,
are well-known and basically desirable.
However, the Kelkar Tax Force’s basic perception appears to be that
fewer and lower rates of taxation will lead to much greater compliance
and generate a lot of tax buoyancy. This Laffer Curve-type argument
has been repeatedly disproved in its country of origin (the US)
and there is absolutely no reason to believe that lower rates will
generate higher revenues without major changes in tax enforcement.
Nevertheless, the optimistic projections in the Report are based
on precisely such an argument. Chart 1 shows the valiant projections
of increasing tax revenues over the next four years, which are apparently
going to be achieved through lower and fewer rates and reform of
the tax administration by introducing VAT for all central and state
government goods and services taxes. Apparently, the reduction in
tax rates will not only encourage better voluntary compliance, but
will also generate much higher rates of economic growth, which will
obviously then mean more government revenues as well.

largest increase is projected for services taxes (which are projected
to increase by more than Rs. 45,000 crore from next year to more than
Rs. 85,000 crore by 2008-09), and the most significant decline is
for customs duties (which are slated to decline progressively, starting
from Rs. 8300 crore next year to more than Rs. 16,000 crore in 2008-09).
All this creates the astounding figure of an additional Rs. 134,062
crore of tax revenues just four years hence.
Associated with this, there are naturally very optimistic projections
regarding tax buoyancy. Table 2 indicates the extent of buoyancy which
is predicted, compared to the estimated buoyancy rates of the past
five years. Customs duties are the only category for which buoyancy
is projected to come down, largely because the Task Force proposes
very dramatic declines in such duties. For all other categories of
taxes, there are substantial increases projected for buoyancy, mostly
without adequate justification. The biggest such increase is for services
tax, which is apparently assumed to be relatively easy to collect
(a strong assumption in India where unorganised services dominate).
2: Tax buoyancy projections of Kelkar Task Force |
Baseline |
proposed reforms |
tax |
1.84 |
tax |
excise duty |
Customs |
0.54 |
0.06 |
tax |
general, such an optimistic scenario appears to reflect the triumph
of hope over experience. It is certainly true that such increases
in tax revenues (and indeed even larger increases) can be achieved
– but this will require not just reduction of rates and simplification
of the tax system, but a much more aggressive attitude towards enforcement
and punishment of tax evaders.
has prevented this in the past is not practical difficulty but the
absence of political will. There is little to indicate that the political
economy of the ruling classes has changed so dramatically in the recent
past that such enforcement will be likely. And until that happens,
the unfortunate reality is that the burden of fiscal adjustment will
continue to be borne by the poor of the country, through reductions
in much-needed public expenditure.