the rapid expansion of services in the economies of developed and
developing countries, it still remains true that a nation's economic
strength is in the final analysis based on the strength of its commodity
producing sectors. Also, given the more rapid pace of productivity
expansion in manufacturing, the creation of a substantial and dynamic
manufacturing sector has historically been the centre-piece of development
from that perspective, there is much that is disconcerting about the
development process resulting from the adoption of a neo-liberal reform
agenda in the 1990s. To start with, despite claims to the contrary
by the government, manufacturing growth performance during the 1990s
and more recently has been worse than in the 1980s. Not only has the
trend rate of growth tended to be at best similar to that observed
in the 1980s, but the pace of manufacturing growth has tended to be
extremely volatile with creditable growth rates being concentrated
in one or two year periods separated by slow growth and recessionary
conditions. Second, there are some signs of the ''hollowing of
the middle'' in Indian industry, with growth occurring in the
very large scale sector, while the medium and small scale industry
has witnessed slow growth and high rates of mortality because of competition
from imports or import intensive ''domestic'' products, a
recessionary environment, waning state support and inadequate credit
access at times of distress. The small scale sector that tends to
persist is that which caters to the ancillarization needs of large
firms, to niche markets and to low margin markets that persist because
of low per capita income and high poverty. Third, there are clear
signs of consolidation within the large industrial sector, in which
foreign firms encouraged by liberalization of rules governing foreign
direct investment, play a major part. Since these firms invest and
expand in India to cater to domestic and not export markets and since
they are characterized by large outflows on account of intermediate
imports, royalty payments and profit repatriation, their growing presence
not only limits the maneuverability of the government when it comes
to industrial policy, but also has adverse balance of payments implications
in the form of a rising trade deficit that encourages dependence on
purely financial flows to help finance that deficit. Finally, the
most disconcerting feature of industrial development during the 1990s
is the lack of any contribution of output growth in the organized
sector to employment growth. In fact, there appears to be a negative
relation between output and employment growth. While it is known that
the manufacturing sector tends to be far less labour-absorbing than
agriculture or services, this feature of growth in organized industry
is extremely disturbing and needs correction.
is reason to believe that most of these features of manufacturing
growth during the neo-liberal era were a direct result of policy,
defined as consciously designed acts of commission and omission. These
have had implications for both the pace of growth and its volatility,
as well as for the pattern of growth with several attendant consequences
as noted above. Consider, for example, the fact that a feature of
the 1990s was the extreme volatility of growth rates in the manufacturing
sector, which in the past had been more characteristic of areas like
finance. This instability also suggests that even the moderately positive
performance of the industrial sector may not be sustainable.
are two factors that seem to explain instability. On the one hand,
the evidence indicates that public expenditure has been far more unstable
in the 1990s. The latter has been partly because of variations in
the government's degree of adherence to its irrational fiscal deficit
targets initially imposed by the IMF, partly because of a sudden burgeoning
of public expenditure towards the end of the 1990s because of the
implementation of the Fifth Pay Commission's recommendations, and
partly because of the influence of the political business cycle that
results in a ramping up of public expenditures of certain kinds in
the run up to an election. It needs to be noted that it was not the
agricultural cycle that influenced the government's inter-temporal
expenditure patterns (as used to be the case when the agrarian constraint
was binding in the sixties and seventies); not was it the threat of
a balance of payments crisis that constrained government expenditure
(despite the experience of 1990-91, India has recently foreign capital
flows in excess of that needed to finance its current account deficit).
But for the moment what matters is that the instability in government
expenditure that contributed in part to the instability in industrial
growth has been the result of autonomous actions of the government
rather than the result of externally imposed constraints.
second factor explaining the instability in manufacturing growth is
the fact that in the initial post-liberalization years, the sudden
increase in access to domestically assembled or produced import-intensive
manufactured goods resulted in the release of the pent-up demand for
such goods among sections who had had the ability and the desire to
consume such goods, but whose consumption of such commodities was
limited by import regulation of both final products and intermediates
and components. Inasmuch as such pent-up demand is soon satiated,
the spur to growth provided by this specific factor evaporated, resulting
in a slowing of the growth rate pending an expansion of the market
for such manufactures among a larger section of the population.
instability in the pace of manufacturing growth has been the result
of the specific way in which that market for manufactures has been
expanded, especially in urban India, during the years of neo-liberal
reform: through a boom in housing and consumer credit. One consequence
of financial liberalization and the excess liquidity in the system
created by the inflow of foreign capital, has been the growing importance
of credit provided to individuals for specific purposes such as purchases
of property, consumer durables and automobiles of various kinds. This
implies a degree of dissaving on the part of individuals and households.
It also implies that financial institutions, which are willing to
provide such credit without any collateral, are betting on the inter-temporal
income profile of these individuals, since they are seen as being
in a position to meet their interest payment and amortization commitments
based on speculative projections of their earnings profile. These
projections are speculative because of the fact that with banks and
other financial institutions competing with each other in the housing
and consumer finance markets, individuals can easily take on excess
debt from multiple sources, without revealing to any individual creditor
their possible over-exposure to debt.
are two implications of the expansion of the market for manufactures
through these means. The occurrence and the extent of such an expansion
depend crucially on the ''confidence'' of both lenders and
borrowers. Lenders need to be confident of the future ability of their
clients to meet interest and repayment commitments. Borrowers (excluding
those consciously involved in fraud) need to be confident of their
ability to meet in the future the commitments that they are taking
on in the present. This crucial role of the ''state of confidence''
in triggering this form of demand is what is captured in the oft-used
phrase: ''the feel good factor''. Since there is a strong
speculative element involved in lenders providing credit and borrowers
increasing their indebtedness, the state of confidence of both parties
matters. When such confidence is ''good'', we can experience
growth or even a mini-boom. When such confidence is low in the case
of either borrowers or lenders, we can experience recessionary conditions.
To the extent that financial liberalization provides the basis for
an expansion of the world of debt - mediated either through bank accounts
or plastic cards - a degree of volatility in manufactures demand is
second implication of debt-financed manufacturing demand is that it
is inevitably concentrated in the first instance in a narrow range
of commodities that are the targets of personal finance. Commodities
vary from construction materials to automobiles and consumer durables.
To the extent that these commodities are of a kind that are capital-
and import-intensive in nature, the domestic employment and linkage
effects of this expansion would be limited. Not only would employment
growth be limited, as has been the case, but sustaining the growth
process would require generating more of the same kind of demand.
Manufacturing growth would become increasingly of a speculative character.
hardly bears stating that a large share of the commodities for which
demand is triggered by credit are both capital- and import-intensive
in character. There are a number of other reasons why manufacturing
outputs sucked out by a credit boom tend to have these characteristics.
First, the liberalization of policy with regard to foreign direct
investment has meant that much of the credit-financed ''new''
market for manufactures is catered to by these transnationals, endowing
these products with a greater degree of import- and capital-intensity.
This tendency has been helped along by the fact that those favoured
with credit fall in the middle classes, which too is characterized
by a pent-up demand for ''foreign'' goods that could not be
satiated earlier, not just because of protection but also because
they lacked the means (including credit) to acquire these commodities
rapidly. A second reason why domestic linkage and employment effects
would tend to be low is that a combination of import competition,
the induction of larger firms into the small-scale sector through
the redefinition of ''small'' and ''dereservation''
of areas of production has undermined the ability of smaller firms
to service certain markets. Finally, with end of the era of development
banking in general and directed credit in particular, the possibility
of such firms obtaining the finance to emerge and survive has declined.
net effect of all these has been the set of disconcerting trends we
spoke of earlier. Identifying the proximate causes for those trends
also helps us specify certain measures that must be part of any industrial
policy agenda. In the long run, a conducive industrial environment
requires significant structural change such as the breakdown of land
monopoly in rural India, in order to expand the mass market for manufactures.
While the realization of that goal must wait, the decision of the
new government, as embodied in the CMP, to launch on a pro-poor development
path, provides the basis for the correction of the errors in policy
during the 1990s that have generated the scenario that we just described.
That scenario was one characterized by speculative debt-financed consumption
and dissaving, growing import intensity of domestic production and
a sharp rise in capital intensity that implied ''job-displacing
are four elements that in our view should enter into any interim industrial
policy. First, the role of public expenditure, especially public investment
as an important stimulus to industrial expansion, through direct demand
expansion and income generation and by relaxing infrastructural bottlenecks,
needs to be restored. This requires reversing the decline in the tax-GDP
ratio, increasing revenue collection through more appropriate rates
and a wider tax net and focusing on generating additional non-tax
revenues by reorganizing the public sector rather than resorting to
quick privatization of profit-making public enterprises. It also requires
encouraging demand based on income growth rather than debt expansion.
Second, the role of finance as a stimulus to manufacturing dominantly
through debt-financed consumption spending must be replaced by one
in which financial institutions dominantly support investment through
lending and investment. This requires reversing the tendency to undermine
the development finance institutions by converting them into universal
banks. Further, the earlier tendency of the financial institutions
to lend to a few big firms in a few areas, which led up to the UTI-debacle
for example, must be corrected. More widespread lending, including
to small and medium sized firms is crucial if the phenomenon of job-displacing
growth in manufacturing is to be reversed.
is one possibility that needs to be considered seriously in this context.
The commercialization of development banking has seen the increasing
presence of the financial institutions as active traders in domestic
stock markets in search of high returns. This speculative presence
in the market, which increases the ratio of their assets held for
speculative as opposed to productive purposes, needs to be curtailed.
However, over the years these institutions have not merely accumulated
non-performing assets in the form of credit to some of the leading
corporate groups in India, but they have also acquired a large volume
of debt and equity in well-performing large firms. Having supported
the growth of these firms and business houses, it is perhaps time
for the financial institutions to gradually withdraw from these locations
by selling out their assets and using the funds so acquired to finance
new ventures of a kind characteristic of a dynamic economy.
implies that new legislation that helps financial institutions pursue
firms in which they hold non-performing assets should be implemented.
Innovative practices like securitization of debt to withdraw from
debt provided to more successful business groups should be adopted.
And financial institutions should resort to a careful process of sell
out of equity acquired (either directly or through the exercise of
the convertibility option) in successful firms in the past. All this
would help release resources that could go into financing new and
needy projects. This would partially reduce the pressure on the government
to increase the investment ratio in the economy by investing its own
budgetary resources.
third area in which the government should make changes is with regard
to foreign direct investment. Such investment is indeed required and
can play an important role if of an appropriate kind. But foreign
investment, which acquires large chunks of equity in firms catering
to the domestic market, uses these firms to market import-intensive
branded products and then takes out large amounts of foreign exchange
in the form of technology payments and dividends, needs to be regulated.
The obvious adverse balance of payments implications of the operations
of these firms, implies that to earn their profits they are draining
the national pool of foreign exchange resources which is then refurbished
with capital in the form of hot money that not merely drains out further
foreign exchange but increases the vulnerability of the system to
financial crises. It is perfectly rational as well as reasonable that
foreign firms with equity holding above a certain limit and extracting
large technology payments should at the minimum earn the foreign exchange
that they propose to take out. Further, in terms of emphasis, the
effort should be to encourage foreign investment that uses India as
the outsourcing base for world market production, with positive net
employment and balance of payments effects. If outsourcing in software
and IT-enabled services is seen as such a major source of strength
for India, there is no reason why outsourcing in manufacturing should
not be seen as positive, and provided more privileges than foreign
investment catering primarily to the domestic market and regulated
for balance of payments reasons.
industrial policy should encourage small scale production with both
employment and linkage effects in mind. Protecting small scale production
with the employment objective in mind in a labour-surplus economy
is not a form of charitable intervention but rational economic policy.
This was recognized by Mahalanobis in his four-sector model which
explicitly provided for small and cottage production as a means of
neutralizing the adverse employment implications of investment in
capital-intensive sectors. Such protection would involve a rethink
of excessive import liberalization in sectors where small-scale production
is viable, a restitution of measures of protection like reservation
of production and differential tariffs, and a conscious direction
of credit from the appropriate financial institutions to meet investment
and working capital needs.
are some of the principal measures that the government can adopt immediately
to redress the distortions which indiscriminate liberalization parading
as ''reform'' has resulted in.