sharp depreciation of the Indian rupee from around Rs.44 to the dollar
at the beginning of September to close to Rs.50 to the dollar through
much of November gives cause for concern on many counts (Chart 1). To
start with, while it does little to increase India’s exports given similar
depreciation in the currencies of India’s competitors, it is bound to
increase the foreign exchange outflow on account of imports and worsen
the trade balance. Second, by increasing the rupee value of dollar debt
service commitments of Indian corporations, which have risen substantially
in recent years, it is bound to affect the viability of these firms at
a time when demand growth is clearly slowing. Third, increases in the
rupee prices of imports of an economy that is more import-dependent after
liberalisation would keep rupee inflation up despite lower growth. And
finally, sharp and persistent depreciation of this kind creates the possibility
of a speculative attack on the rupee that can only make matters worse.

this makes an analysis of the factors underlying the rupee’s decline imperative.
What is clear is that the depreciation of the currency is not the result
of any reticence or failure on the part of the Reserve Bank of India to
intervene in the market to stabilise the rupee. As its Mid-Term Review
of Macroeconomic and Monetary Developments declared, among the measures
adopted in the wake of the global financial crisis was the decision that
the Reserve Bank “would continue to sell foreign exchange (US dollar)
through agent banks or directly to augment supply in the domestic foreign
exchange market or intervene directly to meet any demand-supply gaps.”
That this decision was implemented emerges from Chart 2, which shows that
while as recently as April the RBI was purchasing large quantities of
dollars and adding them to its reserves, its net sales of the dollar between
June and September was as much as $14.1 billion. Indications are that
sales have been as high or even higher in the two months since then.

fact, ever since the week ending October 3, in most weeks the foreign
exchange assets held by the Reserve Bank of India have declined rather
sharply, indicating that the central bank has been accommodating demands
for foreign exchange at the expense of reserves. Overall, the decline
in reserves between the end of March 2008 and November 7, 2008 has been
$58.4 billion, which is a substantial proportion of the $310-plus billion
India had when reserves were at their peak. What therefore seems to be
creating the uncertainty that leads to rupee depreciation is not the non-availability
of the dollar, but evidence that normal foreign exchange inflows are far
short of the requirements needed to finance outflows, leading to a sharp
fall in reserves.
One factor responsible for the excess of outflows over inflows is of course
the exodus of foreign institutional investors. But this does not seem
to be the whole explanation. Total outflows from equity investments by
FIIs between April and November 2008, which is seen as underlying the
stock market collapse, amounted to $10.7 billion (Chart 4), or less than
a fifth of the decline in reserves during this period.
This leaves outflows on account of trade related payments, which would
indeed have gone up because the shrp increase in the price of oil. The
average price of India’s crude import basket touched $142 a barrel on
July 3, 2008. Over the period April-August, 2008 the average price of
the basket stood at US $ 120.4 per barrel (having ranged between US $
105.8 – 132.2 per barrel). This was 76.6 per cent higher than the US $
68.2 per barrel recorded during April-August, 2007.
does seem to have affected India’s trade deficit over the April-August
2008 period, when it stood at $49.3 billion, as compared with $34.6
billion during the corresponding period of the previous year (Table
1). This widening of the deficit was on account of the oil trade deficit
which rose from $12.3 to $20.5 billion, whereas the non-oil deficit
actually shrank from $13.5 billion to $9 billion.
India's Merchandise Trade: April-August |
(US $ billion) |
2007-08 R |
2008-09 P |
Exports |
60.1 |
81.3 |
(19.3) |
(35.3) |
Oil Exports * |
4.7 |
9.0 |
(6.2) |
(91.5) |
Non-Oil Exports * |
26.0 |
39.1 |
(5.5) |
(50.3) |
Imports |
94.6 |
130.5 |
(34.2) |
(38.0) |
Oil Imports |
28.8 |
46.1 |
(42.7) |
(28.3) |
Trade Balance |
-34.6 |
-49.3 |
Oil Trade Balance * |
-12.3 |
-20.5 |
Non Oil Trade Balance * |
-13.5 |
-9.0 |
* : Figures pertain to April - June |
R : Revised, P: Provisional |
Note: Figures in parentheses show percentage change
over the previous year. |
Source : DGCI & S |
It must be noted, however, that the merchandise trade deficit does not
does not really capture the excess demand for foreign currency emanating
from the current account, because of the importance of invisible inflows
in the form of remittances and software and IT-enabled export revenues
in India’s balance of payments. Quarterly balance of payments figures,
which are thus far available only for the April-June 2008 period (Table
2), show that while the merchandise trade deficit increased by close to
$11 billion between April-June 2007 and April-June 2008, the current account
deficit rose by only around $4.5 billion, because of the benefit of increased
net invisible incomes.
Moreover, the drain of foreign exchange reserves during the period when
the rupee was depreciating would have been far less affected by the merchandise
trade deficit because of the sharp decline in oil prices. By September
10, the average price of Indian crude imports had fallen below the $100-a-barrel
level, and this figure fell below $44 a barrel by November 24. This would
have moderated the trade deficit, making the current account deficit much
less of a factor generating an excess demand for dollars and applying
downward pressure on the rupee.
In the circumstances, the drain of reserves and the depreciation of the
rupee appear to be the result of one of two factors or a combination of
both. The first is a possible sharp fall in inflows of capital other than
foreign institutional equity investment into the economy. The balance
of payments data referred to above, point to a decline in aggregate (direct
and portfolio) foreign investment from $10.1 billion during April-June
2007 to $5.9 billion during April-June 2008, and a decline in foreign
debt flowing into the country from $7 billion to $1.6 billion across these
two periods. Given the fall out of the financial crisis, there is sufficient
reason to believe that this tendency would have not just continued but
intensified in the period after June 2008. If this shortfall in capital
inflows accounts for the excess demand for foreign exchange, it implies
that the weakness of India’s balance of payments and of the Indian rupee
stem from their fact that their earlier “strength” was not earned, but
merely the result of a capital surge into the country. With that surge
having reversed itself the drain of reserves and the depreciation of the
currency seems to have followed.
India's Overall Balance of Payments |
$ Millions |
April - June 2008 P |
April - June 2008 PR |
A. Current Account |
Merchandise |
-31,574 |
-20,701 |
(a+b+c) |
0,850 |
14,400 |
Total Current Account (1+2) |
-10,724 |
-6,301 |
Capital Acccount |
1. Foreign Investment (a+b) |
5,909 |
10,116 |
a) Foreign Direct
Investment |
10,117 |
2,658 |
b) Portfolio Investment |
-4,208 |
7,458 |
(a+b+c) |
4,083 |
9,035 |
a) External Assistance |
351 |
241 |
b) Commercial Borrowings
(MT<) |
1,559 |
6,990 |
c) Short Term to India |
2,173 |
1,804 |
3. Banking
Capital (a+b) |
2,735 |
-919 |
4. Rupee
Debt Service |
-30 |
-43 |
5. Other
Capital |
518 |
-843 |
Capital Account (1to5) |
13,215 |
17,346 |
Errors & Omissions |
-256 |
155 |
Overall Balance |
2,235 |
11,200 |
ii) Foreign Exchange Reserves |
-2,235 |
-11,200 |
( Increase
- / Decrease +) |
P: Preliminary
PR: Partially Revised |
A second
factor accounting for the sharp depreciation of the rupee could be speculative
activity in the foreign exchange market based on expectations that the
currency’s decline is inevitable. But in a liberalised foreign exchange
market such speculation is bound to occur, especially when indications
are that India’s balance of payments strengths were ephemeral and were
being quickly reversed. In the event, even large reserves, which are still
substantial and adequate to finance more than a year’s worth of imports
seem insufficient to stall the rupee’s fall.