seems to hold back world oil prices. Taking one of many internationally
traded varieties of relevance to developing Asia, the price per barrel
of Dubai Fateh crude averaged $28 in February 2004, around $35 between
May and December 2004, nearly $40 in February 2005, crossed $45 in March
and $50 in June and stood at $55 in mid-August. Other varieties like
American light crude have crossed the $65-per-barrel mark in international
markets in recent weeks.

fundamental reason why prices have risen so dramatically is that demand-especially
driven by growth in the US, China and India-has outstripped the capacity
of the industry to pump out crude and refine it. Global demand is estimated
to have risen by 2.7 million barrels per day in 2004, the highest since
1976. Nearly a third of that growth came from China, where oil consumption
soared by around 16 percent in 2004. On the other hand capacity has
not been expanding to meet this growing demand. As a result, surplus
capacity in the oil producing system is limited. Spare capacity in 2004
is estimated to have fallen to 1 million barrels per day (b/d), its
lowest level in 20 years. Saudi Arabia, the country which sits on the
largest share of global reserves and which was responsible for increasing
availability when supplies were tight in the past, is also nearing its
limits. Given the nature of the industry, supply can adjust only with
a considerable lag, since investment requirements are large and involve
substantial gestation lags. Investment has not kept pace with demand
partly because of the low oil prices of the 1990s, when the average
real price of oil was half that in the 1980s (Chart 2).
The other reason why supply is inelastic is that much of the oil that
was discovered in non-traditional locations after the oil shocks, as
in the Arctic and offshore in many countries, has already been exploited.
Thus the world's dependence on traditional sources of "easy oil"
has increased.
The effects of medium term excess demand on prices have been aggravated
by a number of factors that have increased uncertainty. The most important
is, of course, the continued occupation of Iraq by the US and its allies
and the strong resistance of the Iraqi people to that occupation. The
inability thus far of the US army to contain the armed struggle, despite
the use of violence even when it endangers civilians, has reduced exports
and led to expectations of uncertain future supplies from Iraq. In addition,
the war has precipitated terrorist attacks in the world's largest oil
producer, Saudi Arabia, which have affected oil supplies, even if temporarily.
So long as the threat of such attacks remains, supplies are uncertain
and prices are buoyant.
The net result has been that any development that affects or could affect
supplies from any other country triggers a price increase. This could
be political uncertainty in Nigeria, the battle for control of Yukos
in Russia, civil strife and oil industry strikes in Venezuela or fears
of the impact of Hurricane Dennis on US oil supplies. All of these have
in the recent past substantially affected prices at the margin and even
led to a spike in prices.
The upward pressure on prices that result from these developments has
been further exaggerated by speculative investments by financial investors
in oil markets. It is known that price trends in energy markets have
substantially increased financial investor interest during 2004. This
has also affected the relative price of oil. It is widely known that
capacity shortfalls in both extraction and refining are greater in the
case of light sweet crude oil. For example, the little excess capacity
available with Saudi Arabia is in heavy crude that is harder to refine
into the cleaner fuels demanded by rich countries. This places a premium
on light (low specific gravity) sweet (low sulphur) grades, whose supplies
are relatively inelastic.

With investor interest focused for this reason on the light sweet grades
during 2004 the spread between light and heavy grades rose during 2004.
According to the Financial Times, in the first 10 months of 2004 West
Texas Intermediate (WTI) rose 65 per cent, but heavier sour oil blends
rose by less than half as much. But as investors have discovered that
excess demand is more generalised this spread has tended to decline
more recently. The discount for Saudi Arabian oil relative to WTI rose
from below $6 a barrel to almost $20 in October 2004. This year the
situation has reversed. Saudi grades have gained by more than twice
as much as WTI and the spread is back down near $6.
The base for speculation seems even greater since the sharp price increases
of recent times have not spurred inflation, curbed growth and forced
a cutback in demand. The dissociation between the level of oil prices
and the rate of global expansion only strengthens expectations of further
price increases.
One explanation advanced for this lack of association between oil prices
and growth is the fact that the real price of oil, which adjusts the
nominal price increase to take account of changes in the prices of commodities
other than oil, is by no means at a peak. Thus, in terms of 2005 dollars,
the 1980 price of Arabian Light, which was $35.69 in nominal terms,
amounted to $84.29. That is $25 per barrel or 40 percent higher than
today's price in real terms.
However, the fact that in absolute terms today's real price of oil is
far short of its historic peak does not detract from the fact that recent
increases in that price have been dramatic and that the real price of
oil is at a 15-year high (Chart 3). So the persistence of growth and
demand for oil is indeed puzzling. It suggests that the expectation
that rising nominal oil prices would trigger contraction in government
spending to smother inflation, as happened at the time of the second
oil shock at the end of the 1970s, has not been realised. One reason
for this could be that the impact of oil price increases on the balance
of payments is immediately debilitating because of the greater access
to foreign exchange of the big spenders. Many countries have been able
to finance a rising oil import bill without much difficulty. For example,
China keeps sucking in oil despite higher prices because of the consistently
high increase in its export earnings; India manages because of large
IT-related revenues and capital inflows; some other developing countries
are able to stay afloat because of remittances from migrant workers;
and the US pulls through because of capital flows that finance its burgeoning
trade deficit and make it the world's largest debtor nation.

the fact that the world is awash with liquidity that can be accessed
in the form of foreign revenues, debt, portfolio investments or foreign
direct investment by countries that are better off has helped ensure
that a sharp contraction of the kind triggered by the second oil shock
has not occurred. The resulting persistence in strong demand for oil
has contributed to buoyancy in prices because supply too has not been
responsive to price increases.
These features of the global oil scenario have two implications. First,
it is likely that prices are likely to remain high for some time to
come even if the era of cheap oil is not altogether over. Second, as
and when specific developments threaten to affect or actually do affect
oil supplies from any existing location, a further spike in oil prices
is a real possibility.
But already there are signs that things may change. To start with, not
all countries are in a position to cope with the current price of oil.
Many poor countries cannot access foreign credits with the ease that
characterizes the more developed even among the developing. But that
is not all. Even some of the more developed countries in developing
Asia have been badly affected in 2005, when prices have continued to
rise and the discount on the West Asian varieties they import has fallen
sharply. Asia, which imports 70 per cent of its oil from the Middle
East, has received a larger oil shock this year than last. Countries
are finding it increasingly difficult to maintain retail fuel subsidies.
Thailand abandoned subsidies in August, while other governments, such
as India's, have raised prices despite opposition. In the event growth
and oil demand are likely to fall.
Thus the hike in oil prices is bound to have an adverse effect on the
global system soon. What is not certain is the nature and location of
that adverse effect. Fears of a global recession arise because the already
high US trade deficit is widening sharply. Clearly, if prices rise further,
global growth could indeed stall. Even the otherwise optimistic IMF
believes it would. To quote the World Economic Outlook released in April:
''In the past, a permanent $5 a barrel increase in oil prices has been
expected to lower global GDP growth by up to 0.3 percentage point; in
practice, the impact over the last year has been less than feared, partly
because higher prices have in part been a consequence of strong global
growth, and partly reflecting the greater credibility of monetary policies
(so that interest rates have not had to be raised to ward off second-round
inflationary effects). The impact of further sharp increases, however,
could be more marked, especially if they were to adversely affect confidence
or inflationary expectations; there would also be a greater danger of
negative supply-side effects over the longer run.''
However, that projection hinges on the perceived trade-off between growth
and inflation, and is predicated on the assumption that oil price increases
will lead to more general inflation. Governments attempting to combat
inflation will then embark upon contractionary fiscal and monetary policies,
which will bring down inflation but also imply lower rates of aggregate
economic growth.
It is correct to assume that governments across the world remain obsessed
with inflation control, because the political economy configurations
that have led to the domination of finance still persist. However, the
prior assumption, that oil price hikes necessarily lead to higher inflation,
may not be so valid any more.
Certainly it is true that for a very long period-in fact almost the
whole of the second half of the 20th century- oil prices showed a strong
relationship to aggregate inflation rates in the world economy. Between
1970 and 2000, for example, world trade prices and oil prices were strongly
positively correlated and in the largest economy, the US, the Consumer
Price Index inflation tracked movements in world oil prices.
But, there is evidence that this relationship may have changed. Though
oil prices have been exceptionally volatile recently, such fluctuations
appear to have had little impact on aggregate inflation rates in either
developed or developing countries. Rather, such inflation rates have
been relatively stable and even fallen slightly compared to the earlier
So what has changed in the world economy to cause such an apparently
established relationship to break down? The first important factor is
the reduced dependence of the industrial economies upon oil imports,
at least in quantitative terms. For the group of industrial countries
in the OECD, net oil imports accounted for 2.4 per cent of GDP in 1978,
but have since fallen continuously, to amount to only one per cent of
But the second factor may be even more significant. This is a distributional
shift, whereby the burden of adjustment to higher oil prices is essentially
borne by workers across the world and non-oil primary commodity producers
in the developing countries. These prices do not rise in tandem with
oil prices and in some cases have declined. This means that even though
energy is a universal intermediate good, its price rise does not cause
prices of many other commodities to increase anywhere near proportionately.
This in turn enables aggregate inflation levels to remain low even though
oil prices may be increasing.
It is well-known that the period since the early 1990s has been once
of a substantial decline in the bargaining power of workers vis-à-vis
capital in most of the world, and this has been reflected in declining
wage shares of national income and real wages that are either stagnant
or growing well below productivity increases. This provides a significant
amount of slack in terms of the ability of employers to bear other input
cost increases. In addition, this disempowerment of workers also means
that such input cost increases can be passed on without attracting demands
for commensurate increases in money wages in the current period.
Along with workers, agriculturalists and other non-oil primary commodity
producers have also been adversely affected and been forced to take
on some of the burden of adjustment. Indeed, even manufacturing producers
from developing countries have been adversely affected in a situation
where intense competitive pressure has ensured that they cannot pass
on all their input cost increases.
Thus, even if growth persists despite rising oil prices, the distribution
of the benefits of that growth is likely to be extremely unequal. But
even growth is likely to be unequally distributed. In the case of the
poorer, oil importing developing countries, the effects of higher oil
prices are already adverse and can get worse. These countries have much
smaller volumes of remittance incomes from abroad and cannot access
large capital inflows. Thus the have to adjust to rising oil prices
by squeezing demand through contractionary policies that reduce domestic
incomes and increase unemployment. This is the only way they can deal
with their balance of payments difficulties.
So long as these sections are forced to bear a disproportionate share
of the burden, the current oil shock may not seem a big problem. But
if for some reason they cannot be called upon to do so, a global recession
may be inevitable.