days there is much talk of transforming India into a ''knowledge society''
producing goods and services rich in explicit and implicit knowledge.
Even farmers are to be empowered into becoming ''knowledge workers''
using the latest available information and knowledge about cultivation
practices, inputs and output markets.
early as 2001, a Task Force set up by the Planning Commission argued
that this would increase agricultural productivity and release surplus
person power from traditional agriculture, which could then be redeployed
elsewhere (''India as a knowledge superpower: Strategy for transformation'',
Planning Commission, June 2001). More recently, pronouncements from
within and outside government have focussed on the creation of a knowledge
society and economy as the basis for defining official strategy in all
It is almost trivially obvious that emerging as a ''knowledge society''
is a desirable goal for any society, as it is to aim for a situation
in which farmers, along with everyone else in society, have access to
the latest knowledge and techniques and can use them to improve their
conditions. But there are some equally obvious problems with such an
ambitious aspiration.
One problem, of course, is that improving labour productivity in any
one sector and thereby releasing labour for other activities is socially
useful only when the economy is able to absorb this labour in productive
ways. This far, unfortunately, other sectors in India have not been
able to generate enough employment even to meet the needs of those already
unemployed, not to mention those released from cultivation. This is
one of the causes for the dramatic deceleration of employment generation
in the recent years. Our huge labour force is certainly a huge potential
asset, but it needs to be utilised, which requires not just education
and appropriate training, but even more importantly macroeconomic policies
which generate more employment.
Another problem relates to what exactly is knowledge. Only the most
foolhardy would claim that Indian farmers, for example, are operating
on the basis of ignorance and complete lack of basic information relating
to their own activities, simply because they are not aware of the latest
results of what may be corporate-sponsored agricultural research. The
huge wealth of traditional knowledge is often ignored by policy makers,
as is the remarkable ability of farmers to adapt and develop cultivation
practices according to their own specific situation and experience.
Indeed, there are several studies citing cases where the departure from
such traditional knowledge has created not only greater cultivation
risk but also less sustainable practices.
So it need not be true that all the new research and ''knowledge'' that
come from various sources always generate the best or most desirable
practices, even in something as apparently straightforward and technical
as cultivation practices. Especially now, when a multiplicity of research
undertaken by different agencies provides different results, and when
at least some corporate-sponsored research provides results that come
suspiciously close to marketing the products of those same corporates,
there are reasons to emphasise that knowledge itself is not necessarily
''neutral'', but can be complex and possibly ambiguous.
In many states of India, it has become evident that new knowledge disseminated
by input dealers who may have a vested interest in promoting particular
inputs has become a source of more problems rather than improved cultivation
practices. For example, in Andhra Pradesh the state government's Commission
of Farmers' Welfare found in 2004 that unviable or undesirable practices
(such as excessive chemical pesticide use or improper use of certain
new transgenic seeds) were actually promoted by input dealers.
All this needs to be borne in mind when designing strategies to increase
farmers' access to new technology in cultivation. In any case, it is
useful to begin with some sense of what could be called the current
base-level reality. Fortunately, a recent report from the NSSO (Report
No. 499: Access to modern technology for farming, based on NSS 59th
Round, 2003) provides some information on this.
The survey, which covered 51,770 farming households in 6638 sample villages,
found that the majority of farmers did not access any source of information
on modern technology in the previous year. As Chart 1 shows, only around
40 per cent of the sample accessed such information, and it came dominantly
from other farmers, input dealers, radio and television. (It should
be noted that information from radio and television includes advertisements
by private input suppliers.)
The most significant fact to emerge from Chart 1 is the almost negligible
role played by public agencies. Taken together, the public agencies
that are meant to deliver such knowledge to farmers – that is agricultural
extension workers, government demonstrations and the Krishi Vigyan Kendras
- had been accessed by only 8.4 per cent of the farmers surveyed. By
contrast, other farmers were the largest source of information, with
around 17 per cent of farmers getting information from them, followed
closely by input dealers, who had been accessed for such information
by 13 per cent of farmers. Even the local co-operative societies had
less than 4 per cent of farmers using them as sources of information
for new cultivation practices.

there is substantial variation across states even in terms of the proportion
of farmers even trying to get information on new technology. Chart 2
presents the evidence by states, and Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal and
Kerala emerge as the states where the most farmers (nearly two-thirds
of the sample) had accessed such information in the previous year. Kerala
has the country's most diversified agriculture. And in Andhra Pradesh
and West Bengal there have been substantial diversification of cultivation
and changes in cropping pattern over the recent period, and farmers
in both states have been observed to respond rapidly to changing market
conditions, but not always to their own advantage.
Interestingly, states such as Punjab and Haryana which are known to
be highly commercialised, indicated only a minority of farmers accessing
new technology over the previous year. It could be that cultivation
patterns here have stabilised such that farmers feel that they do not
require new knowledge in the same way.

The most telling indictment of the lack of effectiveness of public dissemination
of new agricultural technology comes from the data gathered on the extent
to which farmers actually put into practice the information gathered
from any particular source. Table 1 provides such evidence.
1: Per cent of farmers adopting recommended practice, by source |
State |
of information
worker |
TV |
Radio |
Newspaper |
Dealer |
farmers |
Pradesh |
73.5 |
54.7 |
50.5 |
52.5 |
86.3 |
91.5 |
Assam |
74.6 |
53.1 |
59.6 |
63.1 |
48.6 |
72.8 |
Bihar |
26.9 |
57.2 |
61.1 |
49.1 |
83.2 |
87.2 |
Chhattisgarh |
41.2 |
31.6 |
29.7 |
53.5 |
30.3 |
60.3 |
Gujarat |
83.4 |
70.5 |
53.7 |
74 |
85.5 |
93.1 |
Haryana |
72.1 |
64.6 |
66.2 |
62.8 |
89.3 |
81.5 |
& Kashmir |
26.7 |
67.4 |
75.8 |
50.9 |
100 |
100 |
Jharkhand |
100 |
66.3 |
36.8 |
27.6 |
84.9 |
48.8 |
Karnataka |
29.4 |
35.9 |
37 |
43.1 |
71 |
59.3 |
Kerala |
74.4 |
44.9 |
48.3 |
50.2 |
75.7 |
79 |
Pradesh |
54.5 |
59.1 |
54.8 |
52.2 |
80.3 |
80.4 |
Maharashtra |
59 |
46.5 |
40.8 |
50.4 |
65 |
82.6 |
Orissa |
43.4 |
36.4 |
31.1 |
38.2 |
82.6 |
88.9 |
Punjab |
29.8 |
56 |
42.3 |
59.8 |
66.7 |
92.2 |
Rajasthan |
87.2 |
66.8 |
67.6 |
80.9 |
94.7 |
92.3 |
Nadu |
74.1 |
49.8 |
52 |
54.1 |
86.7 |
85.3 |
Pradesh |
48.2 |
65.1 |
66.3 |
63.2 |
87.5 |
86.4 |
Bengal |
85.3 |
45.7 |
49.8 |
56 |
83.4 |
88.8 |
India |
62.5 |
53.1 |
54.5 |
53.8 |
81.7 |
85.1 |
has already been observed that agricultural extension workers account
for a very small proportion of the information access for farmers. But
Table 1 indicates that in most states, farmers rarely trust them to
the extent of putting into practice their recommendations. And certainly
they come far below the trust scale when compared to other farmers and
input dealers.
In some state, such as Punjab and Bihar, extension officers' advice
was acted upon less than 30 per cent of the times, compared to more
than 80 per cent for input dealers. In many states, even radio, TV and
newspapers -ads and all - were relied upon more than extension officers.
It is worth noting that the data on trial of the new technology indicate
lower percentages of farmers, suggesting that in a substantial proportion
of cases, farmers put into practice the advice received on new technology
from other farmers and input dealers without prior trial.
Given the problems already noted with private dealers (who may be and
typically are interested parties) and other private agents being the
main sources, it is not surprising that there was a general degree of
dissatisfaction with the information thus accessed and used. Around
half of the farmers reported that the information received was not good,
and extension workers and input dealers fared equally in this regard.
In fact, the best ranking was received by newspapers, with 55 per cent
of farmers feeling the information from this source was good.
It is obvious that if India is to come anywhere near being a ''knowledge
society'', a preliminary requirement is that farmers, who still constitute
around 60 per cent of the labour force and support around two-thirds
of the population with their income, must have good quality access to
the best knowledge (which does not always mean the latest knowledge)
regarding agricultural techniques. But the NSS data always shows clearly
that at present, our farmers are nowhere near being even minimally empowered
in this respect.
A basic failure that merges is that of the public agricultural extension
services, which have clearly not delivered what was originally expected
of them. The blame for this lies not with the extension officers themselves,
but with central and state governments over the past decade and half,
who have systematically reduced public expenditure in this important
area and reduced both the scope and capacity of this system in general.
Extension officers are often inadequately trained to start with and
in almost all states do not receive continuous training that would keep
them up to date with new developments. Their numbers have been reduced
o the point that one officer has to cover a vast area and a large population,
which is typically not feasible. They are not provided with the minimum
requirements of effective functioning, such as transport vehicles and
cellphones to enable communication. It is hardly surprising that so
few farmers access them for new technology and even less farmers believe
what these hapless extension officers are able to tell them.
This is a major lacuna, because it is both unrealistic and potentially
problematic to rely only upon private agencies to meet the information
requirements of farmers. While the current agrarian crisis in India
is hydra-headed and has many causes, the apparent collapse of public
extension services has certainly had a role to play. The resulting problems
of undesirable or inappropriate choice of cropping pattern, spurious
input provision and unnecessary, excessive or improper input use have
dramatically added to the costs and risks of cultivation, especially
in some states.
The revival of public agricultural extension services is therefore of
critical importance. Since this requires in the first instance a substantial
infusion of additional resources by state governments whose responsibility
this is, it is unrealistic to expect this to happen given the current
strains on state finances. So this also requires intervention by the
central government in assisting or enabling such expenditure.
In addition, the focus of training of extension officers must shift
to one of continuous learning and upgrading of knowledge through various
sources, including ICT based training where possible. Constant interaction
with farmers has to become the norm, so that extension officers can
become aware of current and emerging problems in cultivation and transmit
these to the agencies devoted to agricultural research and other relevant
policy makers.
All this requires not only a drastic overhaul of the extension system
itself, but an acceptance that the creation of a knowledge society has
to begin with the areas that may seem to be the least apparently connected
to frontier knowledge but are the most basic, and therefore possibly
also the hardest, to tackle.