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Result: Latin America/Africa/Asia/Scholarly Collaborative Programme, Research Grants 2015.


The Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), and the International Development Economics Associates (IDEAs), executants institutions of the Latin America, Africa and Asia Scholarly Collaborative Program (2013-2015), notify the general results of the South-South Scholarships Award 2015 for research on the theme "Education, public policy and rights: Challenges for the South".

The evaluation process was conducted regionally. All the proposals were evaluated according to strict standards of academic excellence. Accordingly, the following research projects were selected:

Research Project
Bárbara Mellado
de Historia,
Facultad de
Filosofía e Historia,
Universidad de La Habana
Cuba y Angola: encrucijadas y desafíos para el derecho a la educación. Comparaciones
Helen Lwemamu
Makerere University
Implementation of post-primary education for the disabled in Uganda. A rights based analysis
Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Birzeit University
Teaching Colonial History and National Identity Development among Palestinian Students in Israel
Jorge Daniel
Vásquez Arreaga
Facultad Latinoamericana
de Ciencias Sociales
Economía política del conocimiento en el sur global: pertinencia y producción intelectual en universidades de África y América Latina
Pham Minh Nguyet
Credent Technology Co. Ltd.
Natural Disasters
and Inequality in Children’s Education: Evidence from Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam
Michael Cross
Faculty of Education, University of Johannesburg
(South Africa)
Steering student access and success: focus on epistemic Access
Michelle Graciela
Morais de Sá e Silva
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales
Catalisadores e empecilhos à cooperação sul-sul:
o caso da educação em direitos humanos no Brasil em perspective comparaday
Kalthoum Saafi
Time Université
La privatisation de l’éducation en Tunisie, entre ascension sociale et enjeux de la formation des élites postrévolutionnaires. Eétude comparative entre l’expérience
tunisienne et les pratiques dans les pays d’Amérique latine
Tutan Ahmed
Indian Institute of
Evaluation of Impact of Modular Employability Scheme on Labour Market Outcome: Using Randomized Control Trial Method